Political will Food security, poverty alleviation and income generation
Vision: Aquaculture contributes to improved food and nutrition security, diversification of livelihoods of inland and coastal communities, and economic growth
Goals: There will be a significant and measurable increase in average per capita fish consumption by 2020 leading to a reduction in malnutrition rates and improved nutrition security. Aquaculture will provide a range of new livelihood options in coastal and inland communities contributing to greater social resilience and reduced poverty. New infrastructure and technical capacity will be developed to support aquaculture enterprises leading to improved economic growth.
Guiding Principles: Purpose Policy Integrated approach within national development Sustainability Environmental, social, economic, etc. Livelihoods Gender Viable technologies
Action Plan Identification of suitable agro-ecological zones for aquaculture development GIS Spatial planning Viable aquaculture technologies develop/adopt and disseminate Species Freshwater, brackishwater, marine Cage, pond, raft, etc. Identify priority areas/zones
Action Plan Institutional capacity strengthening Identify strengths Decide weakneses Identify needs Prioritisz implementation Sustainable input supply systems Seed Feed and fertilizer Aquaculture producers connect to markets Local markets International markers Trading standards
Action Plan Household food and nutrition security improved by aquaculture; Effective partnerships between government agencies, NGOs, communities, the private sector and donors created; Aquaculture farmer groups and representative institutions empowered; and, Favorable policies in place for environmentally responsible aquaculture development.
Low consumption? Promote among consumers Nutrition Low production Promote among potential farmers/investors Incentives Low market Promote among consumers Culinary activities Low consumer preference Improve image Media