MEASURE DHS Questionnaire issues July 10, 2007 By: Martin Vaessen
Content of First Core Questionnaire (1985) Household questionnaire –Names of usual residents and visitors –De facto or de jure residence –Sex –Age –Fostering (either parent usual lives in HH?) –Eligibility for individual interview 1 PAGE!!!!!!
Content of Last Core Questionnaire (2005) Household questionnaire (with HIV/AIDS and malaria module) –Names of usual residents and visitors –Relationship to the head –De facto or de jure residence –Sex –Age –Marital status –Eligibility for individual interview –Survivorship and residence of parents –School attendance –Basic material needs –Household characteristics
Content of Last Core Questionnaire (2005) Household questionnaire (continuation) –Presence and use of bednets –Support for sick people –Support for people who have died –Support for orphans and vulnerable children –Height and weight and hemoglobin measurement (children <5) –Height and weight, hemoglobin measurement and HIV testing (women 15-49) –Height and weight, hemoglobin measurement and HIV testing (men 15-49) 32 PAGES!!!
Content of First Core Questionnaire (1985) Individual questionnaire –Respondent’s background (3 pages) –Reproduction (4 pages) –Contraception (7 pages) –Health and breastfeeding (6 pages) –Marriage (3 pages) –Fertility preferences ( 1 page) –Husband’s background and woman’s work (2 pages) –Height and weight for children <5 (1 page) 27 PAGES!!!!!!
Content of Last Core Questionnaire (2005) Individual questionnaire (with HIV and malaria modules) –Respondent’s background (2 pages) –Reproduction (5 pages) –Contraception (6 pages) –Pregnancy and postnatal (10 pages) –Child immunization and health and child’s and woman’s nutrition ( 13 pages) –Marriage and sexual activity (6 pages) –Fertility preferences (4 pages) –Husband’s background and woman’s work (3 pages) –HIV/AIDS (6 pages) –Other health issues (2 pages) –Calendar (1 page) 58 PAGES!!!!!!
Major topics that were added Anemia testing Nutrition Women’s status Sexual activity Malaria/fever treatment HIV/AIDS knowledge Additional questions on TB, smoking, injections
Frequently added modules Female genital cutting Domestic violence Maternal mortality Birth registration Women’s status
What changes a questionnaire? The client’s (USAID/USG) program directions –USAID has supported large surveys in developing countries for 35 years –Programs change over time and so do the data that USAID/USG is interested in helping to collect Indicators (UNGASS, UNICEF, MDGs etc.) Harmonization process with other questionnaires (e.g. MICS) Country and USAID Mission wishes Past experience with certain questions Additional funding for special purposes (e.g. add module on domestic violence paid for by UNFPA, or module on child labor paid for by UNICEF)