Guidelines on the Administration of the Teacher’s English Proficiency Test and Process Skills Test in Science and Mathematics (TEPT-PST) 2015
Preliminary Concerns As stipulated in DepED Memorandum No. 75, s. 2015, the TEPT-PST shall be administered to all Grade 5 and Grade 6 Public School Teachers with permanent items. 1.a Grades 5 and 6 teachers who teach at least one subject in the said grade levels shall take the test. The Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) shall choose a Testing Center that can accommodate all the examinees, preferably near the Division Office.
3. The test shall be conducted by cluster by region starting August until October 2015. 4. The examination shall be administered on a Sunday. 5. There will be two testing sessions in one testing day in big Divisions. 6. The list of examinees shall be prepared in each Division with 30 examinees per Testing Room, alphabetically arranged regardless of gender and grade level taught. 7. The test shall last for 2 hours and 30 minutes (test proper). No snacks break.
Board Work Parts of the Test No. of Items Time Allotment PRE-TEST 1. Accomplishing the Answer Sheet 30 mins. 2. Teacher’s Descriptive Questionnaire (TDQ) 45 TEST PROPER 3. Teacher’s English Proficiency Test (TEPT) 90 1 hr. 30 mins. 4. Process Skills Test in Science and Mathematics (PST) 40 1 hr. Total Time Allotment 3 hrs. 30 mins.
8. The list shall be posted at the door in every Testing Room prior to test administration. 9. Each examinee should bring pencils with lead no. 2, clean sheet of paper and a sharpener; and must know the School ID of his/her respective school. 10. An authorized NETRC Representative shall be assigned to monitor the administration of the test in a designated Division.
11. The Division Testing Coordinator (DTC) who will serve as the Chief Examiner (CE) shall conduct an orientation to the Division Supervisors and School Principals who will serve as Room Examiners (REs). 12.The same set of REs will serve in the AM and PM sessions. 13. During the orientation, the DTC will be using the Examiner’s Handbook (EH) in the CD (soft copy) given during the national conference.
14. The Regional Testing Coordinator (RTC) will monitor the conduct of the test where the Regional Office is located. 15. There will be a Room Supervisor (RS) in Divisions with 10 or more rooms in one testing center. 16. The RS will count the packs of TBs retrieved from every RE before the CE does the final counting.
17. Since the ETREs are surplus from the past administration, label each ETRE using a BOLD MARKER with the following data: Room No. _____ Testing Center: __________ Division: ______ Testing Program: TEPT-PST 18. The ETRE to be given to each RE shall contain the following: Examiner’s Handbook and Forms 1 and 2.
Test Materials (TMs) The RE shall receive from the CE a pack of 30 Test Booklets (TBs) and a pack of 30 Answer Sheets (ASs). 2. The CETRE shall contain Forms 3 & 4. In case of Form 4 was not packed inside the CETRE, the CE shall provide a narrative report.
Test Proper During the test proper, the RE should: closely supervise the shading of the bubbles in the AS including the place values in the variables. refrain from reading the TBs. There is a corresponding sanction to this violation as stipulated in DECS Order No. 85, s. 1999. require the examinees to accomplish Form 2 (Seat Plan) while answering the TDQ. RE will accomplish Form 1 (List of Actual Examinees). strictly adhere to the contents of the EH. keep custody of the unused TBs while the test is in progress. seal the ETRE while still inside the Testing Room.
Retrieval of TMs The RE shall submit the following to the CE: Test Booklets - arranged consecutively by Serial Number (used and unused), placed in the original plastic bag Examiner’s Transmittal Report Envelope (ETRE) - contents: List of Examinees in the Testing Room - prepared by the DTC Used ASs (arranged consecutively, placed in the original plastic bag) Form 1 (List of Actual Examinees) and Form 2 (Seat Plan) Actual Time Record based on the Board Work
The CE shall prepare the contents of the Chief Examiner’s Transmittal Report Envelope (CETRE): Form 3 (Accounting Form) B. Form 4 (Chief Examiner’s Report Form) C. Unused ASs
Accounting and Packing of TMs Count, check and verify the number of TBs by plastic bag and bundle them accordingly. See to it that the number of plastic bags tallies with the number of Testing Rooms. Count the number of ETREs and verify that the number of ETREs tallies with the number of Testing Rooms. Place the Test Materials in their original boxes Place the CETRE on top of the ETREs in Box No. 1 of the ASs. Return the Examiner’s Handbooks and pack these in Box No. 1 of the TBs. For the NETRC Representative: Observations/notes on the test conduct must be submitted to the Test Administration Division as inputs in improving the test administration procedure/scheme.
Allocation of TMs by Division Test Booklets 50% of the total no. of examinees To be used for 2 testing sessions (maximum in one day) Answer Sheets 100% of the total no. of examinees
Delivery and Retrieval Scheme Delivery/Retrieval of Test Materials Through a forwarder Delivery: 2 days before the test by batch Retrieval: 1 day after the test by batch Delivery of Test Results NETRC-Admin Edited 7.29.15
Date of Test Administration (Sunday) Schedule of 2015 TEPT-PST Batch Region Date of Test Administration (Sunday) 1 IV-A August 16 2 IX and CARAGA August 23 3 X August 30 4 IV-B and VI September 6 5 VII September 13 6 I and CAR September 20 7 V and XII September 27 8 III October 4 9 II and NCR October 11 10 ARMM October 18 11 VIII and XI October 25