Stunting Takes Over in 1000 Days Chronic Malnutrition Stunting is Irreversible at 2 years old
BIG HUNGER PICTURE Under 5 Deaths down from 12.7 Million in 1990 To 5.9 million deaths at the end of 2014 The 5 Big Killers are: Hunger Neo-natal Deaths Diarrheas/Dehydration Pneumonia Malaria
African Under Five Percentages
WHO major hunger categories for Under 5 children Stunting- too short for age Under Weight- low weight for age Wasting- low weight for height Micro deficiencies- Iron, Vitamin A, Iodine, Zinc Other possibilities- Marasmus, Kwashiorkor
The Stunting Assessment is the same the world over.
Monthly Progress Chart Chart Weight each month Chart Completed Vaccines Chart Observations diarrhea, fever, malaria Chart Interventions Explain to mother
% of Children Under 5 who are Wasted and Severely Wasted by Region Source: UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates, 2014 UNICEF Annual Results Report 2014
% of Children Under 5 who are Stunted by region Source: UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates, 2014 UNICEF Annual Results Report 2014
Chronic malnutrition, or stunting, is another form of growth failure. Chronic malnutrition occurs over time, unlike acute malnutrition. A child who is stunted or chronically malnourished often appears to be normally proportioned but is actually shorter than normal for his/her age. Stunting starts before birth and is caused by poor maternal nutrition, poor feeding practices, poor food quality as well as frequent infections which can slow down growth.
Progress for Children - UNICEF 2015 Stunting is almost always higher in rural areas.
Healthy Diet for Mother and Child Soy Beans, Peanuts, Beans, Lentils Spinach, Carrots, Tomatoes, Yams
Pregnant and lactating mothers need a balanced diet. Rich in proteins and vitamins Young infants need mother’s milk exclusively for six months Healthy babies nurse 1 ½ to 2 years Young children need a protein rich and vitamin rich diet. This is a challenge with no refrigeration and very little can goods available. Many communities have only grains to eat in between seasons
Nutritious Plate is balanced
Stunting follows the child into school, adolescence and adulthood. 10% IQ deficiency, short stature, weak bones and less disease immunity. Stunted children often have irreversible developmental problems. Their potential is limited. They often do less well in school. -UNICEF
AVOID STUNTING Identify and Treat Hunger Pathologies- Under Weight, Wasting and Micronutrient Deficiencies Identify available proteins, vegetables and fruits Improve clean water and sanitation systems Improve health care monitoring, vaccines and malaria treatment
IMPROVE Mother’s Chances to Birth a Healthy Baby Support Maternal and Child Health Programs MCH Centers are committed to nutrition and safe birthing practices. UNICEF, USAID and UK love to fund these programs. Voluntary agencies such as SCF or CRS usually co-manage these new facilities until they are up and running well. They usually include training community health workers, who teach in the villages but help the mothers continue their visits back to the Health Centers for pre and post natal visits. Community Health Workers may manage the monthly Healthy Baby Weight charts, but refer mother and baby back to the Health Center for Nutrition Interventions or further work up.
Long Range Solutions Train more Nurses and Doctors Train Community Health Workers Set up and Maintain Rural Maternal and Child Clinics Shorter Range Solutions Support the Movers and the Shakers Bread for the World UNICEF, USAID, UK DFID, SCF, CRS Local churches
Protect Mother and Child from Stunting for 1000 Days or 33 Months All data from WHO and Unicef Created by Chuck Fluegel