Illinois Research Connections Researcher Information System Project Chief Communications Officers 7 April 2015 Rebecca Bryant, PhD
Project goals Showcase Illinois research to external stakeholders, industry partners, and collaborators at other academic institutions Connect researchers with potential collaborators, and encourage interdisciplinary research Automate publication data collection from reliable source(s) Enable units and individuals to make timely updates to profiles Goal 1 of the University of Illinois Strategic Plan proposes the development of a faculty profile-sharing database in order to scholarship, discovery & innovation. This system will: 2
Project scope at a glance Collaborative OVCR/Library initiativeInterdisciplinary Illinois Research Connections will include all disciplines, academic colleges and departments at Illinois. It will also include research-oriented centers and institutes. Comprehensive It will include up to 2500 individual researchers on the Illinois campus. 3
Project scope at a glance Data sources Elsevier Pure platform pre-populates profiles with publication information available in Scopus Automatic weekly updates from Scopus data Faculty can elect to regularly import citations from additional data sources like OCLC WorldCat Individuals and proxies will be able to maintain their own records Campus outreach & training Steering & governance committees are providing input Training and ongoing support provided for colleges, departments, individual researchers We will partner with departments, libraries, communication officers, and many others to engage internal and external audiences. 4
Phase I Priorities (spring 2015): launch with publications data Pilot with representative units, define policies, and define administrative workflows. Launch a working system with Elsevier- delivered publications data for current tenure-line faculty, available to campus only Define communications strategy & begin preparing training and support materials for units & faculty 5
Spring 2015 Pilot – Elsevier created pilot database with ~300 faculty profiles from 4 campus units: – Bioengineering – Materials Research Lab – Art + Design – College of Education – Steering team evaluated functionality and content 6
DEMO OF PILOT INSTANCE Sample faculty profile Departmental views Organizational hierarchies 7
Allocating profiles among Illinois researchers Profiles for up to 2,500 researchers, cost supported by OVCR All tenure-line faculty included (~1,950) College-level units will be allocated a number of seats in order to select others: Emeritus, clinical, & research faculty Academic Professionals Each college-level unit will have a pre-defined number of profiles available Colleges can purchase additional seats as needed 11
Proposed allocation for AP’s & clinical/research/emeritus faculty 12 Timing Count All tenure-line faculty will be included Phase 1: Summer College-level units will have the opportunity to identify other researchers for inclusion, in the following numbers (note: these will be based upon AY2016 HR numbers and may evolve slightly) Phase 2: Fall 2015 College Estimated allocation by campus- level unit LAS106 Engineering65 FAA31 ACES31 Business17 Education13 AHS11 Vet Med9 Law7 Media5 GSLIS4 Social Work3 Medicine3 LER3 Library13 OVCR200 Subtotal, college allocations521 TOTAL, all profiles2471
Updating profiles Automatic updates from Scopus weekly Elsevier Pure Experts supports automatic updates from additional data sources, which profile holders control: BibTeX import (still testing) Manual entry 13 OCLC WorldCat Web of Science arXiv CrossRef PubMed Embase SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System CAB Abstracts Mendeley
Pilot review includes: Organizational hierarchy For the pilot, we used academic appointments as a way to determine which units to include. No unit will be included unless researchers may hold an HR appointment in it. Only minor changes required to the hierarchy before go-live Usability – Researchers/profile holders Will test pending Elsevier delivery of researcher editing view We will prepare FAQs & documentation to support profile management by researchers/proxies/units – Administrators Testing a variety of functions and workflows, such as: adding, removing, hiding records; duplicate management; adding, hiding, and tombstoning person records; confirming technical functionality for data in and out works as promised; assignment & access for unit administrators; communications functionality; publication import functionality from non-Scopus sources Communications – Documenting processes in preparation for FAQ & other resources for researchers & unit administrators 14
Pilot review Policies Seat allocation Identifying information Configuration Only minor changes necessary to the look and feel of the system, such as a bigger logo and removal of “equipment” from the top menu for phase 1 Security Upcoming security review with CITES/Elsevier because this is an externally-hosted system Security conversation with Public Affairs re: identifying information Shibboleth log-in functionality still to be configured & tested 15
Proposed Timeline for Launch April/ May Finalize security review Illinois data delivered to Elsevier Testing & configuration Begin identification of unit personnel to support allocations & maintenance Development of communications & training resources Summer BETA launch: UIUC-only go-live Communications & training Fall 2015 PUBLIC launch Widespread publicity effort Late October: annual update process begins, including college nominations 16
Phase II Priorities (later 2015): improve scope & quality of system Training resources for faculty & units (summer- fall 2015) Implement communications plan (fall 2015) Update system with AY2016 information, including inclusion of emeritus, clinical, research faculty and academic professionals identified by units (winter ) Test data export from Pure to campus systems 17
Seeking Training Partners Help us inform the campus community! Training, print, and presentation materials will be provided Example activities: Give a talk at a departmental faculty meeting Make an announcement at a committee meeting Highlight in a newsletter item Include a link from your unit’s web site 18
Questions? Rebecca Bryant, PhD Visiting Project Manager, Researcher Information Systems University Library (217)