Experts for database solutions. Export initiative „Energy efficiency“ – AHK business trip to Ireland Smart Grids Ralph Gliemann, Head of International Sales & International Business Development, Robotron Datenbank-Software GmbH Dublin,
Experts for database solutions. Agenda Motivation Introduction of Robotron Datenbank-Software GmbH Introduction of Robotron Product and Service Portfolio References
Experts for database solutions. Motivation After having entered the UK market in 2014 we would like to go the next step extending our business to Ireland. With our current knowledge and products we would like to support the change within Ireland to a more efficient energy management of its utilities and industry. We are looking for an implementation partner with excellent market expertise, helping us to adapt and place our products in Ireland. Adaptation of the national market and its related processes Creating technical understanding, know- how and expertise Create a network of business contacts
Experts for database solutions. Motivation With our smart solutions we are market leader in Germany and looking forward to adapt our strong core product to Irish market requirements. Our main focus is the MDM/EDM topic as well as Industry efficiency projects. By seeing various business opportunities in the field of energy efficiency, we would like to be part of the economic growth in that specific area. Call interest and present our solutions on- site. With the support of possible local partner acquire references within the utility and industry sector. Establish the brand Robotron in the Irish market.
Experts for database solutions. Introduction of Robotron Datenbank-Software GmbH Year of formation1990 Legal form GmbH (Limited liability company, 9 associates) Number of employees 349 (in Dresden) Robotron group: 451 Turnover 2013 Turnover 2014 Turnover Mio. € 31.2 Mio. € 32.8 Mio. € Czech Republic: Switzerland: Austria: Russia: Germany: Robotron Database Solutions s.r.o. Robotron Schweiz GmbH Robotron Austria GmbH Robotron Rus GmbH Robotron|ECG solutions GmbH SASKIA ® Informations-Systeme GmbH
Experts for database solutions. Introduction of Robotron Datenbank-Software GmbH We are experts in managing big data. We are offering efficient and highly automated software solutions for all market roles in the utility and industry sector. Our products are made to achieve or create added value for our customers. We are market leader and read- out or process more than 50% of all energy consumption data in Germany. Our software covers almost all processes within the utility sector. During the past 25 years we have built up a team of experts in business process modeling for utilities and the industry sector.
Experts for database solutions. Introduction of Robotron Product and Service Portfolio Robotron Energy Market Suite Integral solution for optimal processes in meter data management Fulfill requirements of Smart Metering as well as mass data processing in Smart Grids Adapted to the specific demands of different market roles
Experts for database solutions. Introduction of Robotron Product and Service Portfolio Consulting, training and support for utilities Comprehensive expertise of industry- specific business processes From consulting to implementation and maintenance services up to training and service support Services include: –IT strategy consulting –System integration –Business Intelligence
Experts for database solutions. Introduction of Robotron Product and Service Portfolio Energy efficiency consulting Energy efficiency consulting and respective energy controlling From basic consulting over planning and implementation up to controlling on the way to systematic and sustainable energy efficiency
Experts for database solutions. Reference extract 1. RWE Metering GmbH about 4.8 million standard load profile metering points circa billing relevant time series circa user 2. BMW (US & Germany) Sustainable production process optimization through intelligent energy data management 3. Statkraft AS about metering points (feeding only) circa billing relevant time series 4. EVN Bulgaria about standard load profile metering points circa billing relevant time series
Experts for database solutions. Questions? Ralph Gliemann Head of International Sales & International Business Development Telephone: