North Atlantic Sensitivity and Response Map
NASARM Project funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers Participating countries: Iceland (lead country) Norway Faroe Islands Greenland Covers the marine areas from the Eastern coast of Greenland through Iceland and Faroe Islands to Norway Estimated completion end 2010
Project vision Collect data and to prepare a web based Information System that covers: Nature – sensitive and important areas, nature reserves, wildlife, biology, weather etc. Risk factors – possible pollutants, marine traffic, offshore activities, shipwrecks, drainage etc. Response – location of response equipment and rescue teams, areas of responsibility, places of refuge.
Other projects or websites Vákort - af suður- og vesturströnd Íslands – Risk Map of South and West coast of Iceland
Vákort - af suður- og vesturströnd Íslands
Other projects or websites Vákort - af suður- og vesturströnd Íslands – Risk Map of South and West coast of Iceland MARIS - system for the HELCOM area
MARIS Maritime Accident Response Information System
Other projects or websites Vákort - af suður- og vesturströnd Íslands – Risk Map of South and West coast of Iceland MARIS - system for the HELCOM area EPPR – Circumpolar Map of Resources from Oil Spills in the Arctic
EPPR Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response
MARIS Maritime Accident Response Information System
Other projects or websites Vákort - af suður- og vesturströnd Íslands – Risk Map of South and West coast of Iceland MARIS - system for the HELCOM area EPPR – Circumpolar Map of Resources from Oil Spills in the Arctic KYSTVERKET – Kystinfo - kartløsning
KYSTVERKET – KystInfo kartløsning
Other projects or websites Vákort - af suður- og vesturströnd Íslands – Risk Map of South and West coast of Iceland MARIS - system for the HELCOM area EPPR – Circumpolar Map of Resources from Oil Spills in the Arctic KYSTVERKET – Kystinfo - kartløsning NUNAGIS - Greenland on maps
NunaGIS - Greenland on maps
NASARM - Overlay Data