1 USGS Lunar Updates Oct UVVIS and NIR Warp Mosaics Lunar Orbiter (jpeg2000 mosaic) NASM1KM Topography JPL’s onMoon GIS Server LO UVVIS Basemap Merge
2 Lunar GIS For More: Hare 2007 Cohen 2008 Thaisen 2008
3 Clementine Warp (6th order polynomial warp) 30x30 degree tiles mean RMS errors X, Y (181.94, ) meters
4 UVVIS Warp / LO Blink
5 Clementine Warp pigwad/maps Moon Apollo Viewer
6 Clementine Warp (6th order polynomial warp) M 3 Targeting in REACT LROC Targeting in REACT (JMoon?) LMMP Infrastructure (OnMoon) Available for download on PIGWADPIGWAD
7 Integrated Surface Visualization Examples of Possible LMMP Products Description: Optimized OGC/KML support Focus on quick response and server processing for rasters Handles high-resolution discrete images in real- time Rationale: Leverages existing funding Cached servers can be housed locally for non- public data layers. OnMoonOnMoon (JPL)
8 NASM1KM Topography
9 LAC mosaics (geology and topography)
10 Clementine Mineral Ratio over LO
11 LO and UVVIS Basemap Merge
12 LO and UVVIS Basemap Merge 100 km
13 Questions