Policy Oriented Panels: Launching new forms of territorial co-operation TranSMEC - Transnational support method for European Co-operation Production and testing of “ready-to-use” and “easy-to-read” tools for better communicating, disseminating, monitoring and steering of the INTERREG B NorthWestEurope Programme Dorothea Palenberg, blue! advancing european projects 2013 Open Seminar June Göllödö, Hungary Better evidence base for transnational
ESPON observes and measures territorial co-operation INTERREG Implements and co-ordinates/steers territorial co-operation (projects) in a defined space ESPON Projects: Production of - data sets - typologies - indicators in „spatial planning“ language/complexity Offers a „Catch basin“ for very specific territorial co-operation projects under 4 aggregated thematic ERDF priorities Need for tools that are - easy-to-read (for non-planners) - ready to use (for programme managment) for ongoing and dynamic steering, monitoring, communicating and disseminating of programme results Visualisation Map as aggregated and multi-layered result of a complex process Production of simpler territorial monitoring data about -Number of Participants - Amount of ERDF spent
How could ESPON support the new territorial policies through support of transnational co-operation programmes (INTERREG B (NWE): INTERREG B (NWE) calls for a multitude of easy accessible background visualisations in order to be able to communicate and steer programme perfomance – the INTERREG B programme priorities are often too aggregated in order match with existing ESPON research … without proper communication, there is no proper territorial co-ordination of policies INTERREG B calls for typologies and indicators in order to better steer transnational co- operation – so far, regional structural effects are among the most important success indicators and compete with other funding options, we need to better communicate the the added value of transnational approaches – it seems that regions are more responsive and open to participation, if problem pressure and awareness – often perceived in strong Lisbon performers – is present INTERREG B calls for territorial evidence in order to better steer the programme concerning innovation, but also about new, emerging themes – e.g. again about the transnational effect: TranSMEC endorses that good „Lisbon performers“ can use transnational projects to be drivers for restructuring and innovation processes during and after the economic crisis INTERREG B calls for more dynamic interaction between the programmes – so far, the interactive periods between the programmes where limited to the INTERREG programming period. In the future, the ICT capacities allow a closer linkage between e.g. the registration of projects and the assessment of territorial effect in very short feedback loops