Blending in Functional MRI Wim Corbijn van Willenswaard Chair WG16 (MRI)
Agenda Functional MRI Objects involved How to combine the objects September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping2
Functional MRI Combining: Anatomical data Functional data Registration (optional) to align data Combined by: Blending operation September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping3
Anatomical data Standard gray scale data (can be color) Used to locate the area of the Functional activity September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping4
Functional data Parametric data describing relation between an voxel and the Functional activity Can be: Statistical parameter Functional activation Cardiovascular reactivity Functional connectivity Other September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping5
Registration Registration would be needed for Data having different Frame of Reference Compensate for movements during the Assessment Compensate for Image distortion September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping6
Result September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping7 View combining: -Anatomical image -4 parametric maps Using: Thresholds Opacity
Result September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping8
Result September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping9
Objects involved Anatomical data: Enhanced MR Image object ( or other modality ) Functional data: Parametric Map object Registration data: (Deformable) Spatial registration object September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping10
Parametric map Functional information Color September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping11 Functional Floating point information Integer map Color map Real world value mapping Color LUT Not present Remark: Color LUT is present for integer map, but not for floating point
Combining Objects Blending Presentation State Combines two gray scale objects Adds color to the object used for overlay Defines opacity Not able to use the Parametric map Not able to combine more than two objects September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping12
How to continue New Blending object: -Combining more than 2 objects -2D Datasets (anatomical and parametric): -Equal #slices -Equal geometry -NO Registration -Allow coloring + opacity for every layer -Handles Threshold of parametric map -Enable Threshold contour display September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping13
Parametric Map Extensions needed: -Threshold information -Double / Floating point map Scalar for coloring (Identity Pixel Value Transformation?) September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping14
Not Covering September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping15
Questions September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping16
Questions Different number of frames MPR / Geometry difference Registration might need “MPR” Threshold and Value representation / CP? Leave out Tract set for now. Anatomical can be a set of Classic Images Can registration be used for parametric map How to translate Floats to Colors How to convey the meaning of a parametric Map RW value reference or enhance the Parametric map Store image pixel, in combination with RW value IOD/macro Can we enhance the Alpha LUT transfer function to cope with Threshold. September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping17
Result Combined: Anatomical grayscale image Parametric map September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping18
Combining Objects Option 2: (Planar MPR) Volumetric Presentation State Combines multiple Volumetric objects Extensive color capabilities for objects Defines opacity Defines lot more than needed September 2015, FMRI F2F and WG06Functional MRI data mapping19