Mood-congruent memory and judgment The experiment by Forgas and Bower (1987):Forgas and Bower (1987): Participants were given false feedback about success or failure in a psychological test. After this mood induction, participants were sent to an adjacent room where they purportedly participated in another experiment. They were given the person perception task. After reading each person description, they had to rate this person on the following scales:mood induction Mood-congruentMood-congruent memory means that emotional contents are better remembered if they correspond to a person‘s mood.emotionalmood Contributor© POSbase 2003
Mood-congruent memory Self-confident / shy likable / dislikable competent / incompetent happy / unhappy intelligent / unintelligent good / hard to work with likely/ unlikely to have a good marriage likely /unlikely to do well in his or her job How does mood affect these judgments?judgments © POSbase 2003
Mood-congruent judgment Number of positive and negative judgments (Mood induction through success/failure feedback before encoding; Forgas & Bower, 1987) © POSbase 2003
Four minutes after the person-perception judgments, the participants were given a recall test and then a recognition test. They had to remember all they could remember from the person descriptions they saw for the judgmental task. recognition Do participants remember positive and negative characteristics of persons in accordance with their mood? This would replicate and extend findings from Bower et al. (1981). Mood-congruent judgment © POSbase 2003
Mood-congruent memory Number of recalled items (Mood induction through success/failure feedback before encoding; Forgas & Bower, 1987) © POSbase 2003
Mood-congruent memory Number of recognized items (Mood induction through success/failure feedback before encoding; Forgas & Bower, 1987) © POSbase 2003
Mood-congruent judgment This finding can be explained by the network model of emotion by Bower (1981).network model of emotion by Bower (1981). As activation within a semantic network spreads from an emotion nodes to nodes with the same affective valence, it is likely that information will be retrieved that has the same affective valence. This results in mood- congruence for person-perception judgment and memory retrieval.semantic network affectiveretrieved mood- congruence © POSbase 2003
Mood-congruent memory and judgment This experiment included deceptive mood manipulations, false feeback; this could result in wrongful self-evaluation (Ross et al., 1975). Therefore, all participants were carefully debriefed after this experiment. © POSbase 2003