Schema Activator If someone is a witness to a crime, should they be able to testify in court when the case goes to trial? Why or why not?
Why do we forget? What are the seven sins of memory? What is encoding failure? What is storage decay? Retrieval failure: What is interference? Retrieval failure: What is motivated forgetting?
Movie Application
Memory Construction We don’t just retrieve memories, we reweave them Memories are not like a movie, or a playback of events Every time we remember something we replace the original with a slightly modified version
Misinformation Misinformation effect = a memory that has been corrupted by misleading information Ex. Eyewitnesses to a car crash: “How fast were they going when they smashed into each other?” “How fast were they going when they hit each other?” When exposed to misleading information, we tend to misremember Happens all unconsciously Often we try to “fill in the gaps” of memories, results in misinformation Vivid retelling of memories can cause false memories Ex. Altered family photos
Source Amnesia Where do I know that person from? Was that a dream or did it really happen? Source amnesia = faulty memory for how, when or where information was learned or imagined Artists experience: think they created something original, unintentionally plagiarized
Revisit: Eyewitness Account Revisit the schema activator, do you still agree? If someone is a witness to a crime, should they be able to testify in court when the case goes to trial? Why or why not?
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