DGA Community Meeting March 13,
DGA Community Meeting: Agenda March 13, 2012 Agenda ItemDiscussion Leader Welcome and IntroductionsMoira Kiltie SPS Hiring Updates and Team AssignmentsMoira Kiltie & Marisa Zuskar F&A Rate: Calculation Overview On-Campus vs. Off-Campus Definition Marisa Zuskar SPS Team Discussions and Open IssuesSPS Teams 2
Welcome and Introductions 3
SPS Hiring Updates and Team Assignments 4
F&A Rate Overview 5
6 The F&A Equation The F&A rate is calculated based on two important numbers, which Huron helps determine. The Numerator: Facilities and Administrative costs of organized research activities at UO The Denominator: Annual spending on research grants at UO Actually based on Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) F&A Costs for Research Activities Annual Research Spending F&A Rate
7 Modified Total Direct Cost Bases The total dollars spent by UO can be divided into the four MTDC bases, each representing a different function of UO. The F&A rate is concerned only with the Organized Research base, the denominator of the rate equation. Instruction Organized Research Other Sponsored Activities Other Institutional Activities Question: How does UO identify costs and expenditures in each of these categories?
F&A Costs (Research) = F&A Rate (%) Organized Research Base University-Funded Competitive Awards Cost Overruns Mandatory and Voluntary Committed Cost Sharing All MTDC related to organized research Sponsored Project Costs Sponsored Project Costs Impact on the F&A Rate for Organized Research 8
Newly Negotiated F&A Rates Negotiated as of December 8, 2011: New rates are effective beginning FY2013 (July 1, 2012) Project TypeCurrent RateNew Rate Research (On-campus)42%45% Research (Off-campus)26% Instruction (On-campus)53%59.4% Instruction (Off-campus)26% Other Sponsored Activities (On-campus)29%30.7% Other Sponsored Activities (Off-campus)23.8%24.3% 9
Off-Campus vs. On-Campus The new definition: An off-campus rate is applicable to those projects conducted in facilities not owned or operated by the University, which include charges for facility rental as a direct expenditure and for which more than 50% of the project salaries and wages are for effort conducted in the rental facility. When determining of your project is off or on campus – ask yourself three questions: (1) Is your project taking place in a non-UO facility? (2) Is rent being charged to the project? (3) Are more than 50% of the UO salary/wages for effort taking place at the off-site facility ? If you can answer YES to ALL of these questions, use an off- campus rate. If not, the on-campus rate should be applied. 10
Open Discussion & Questions SPA Team Regroups 11