Problems with Floating-Point Representations Douglas Wilhelm Harder Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Waterloo Copyright © 2007 by Douglas Wilhelm Harder. All rights reserved. ECE 204 Numerical Methods for Computer Engineers
Problems with Floating-Point Representations This topic will cover a number of the problems with using a floating-point representation, including: –underflow and overflow –subtractive cancellation –adding large and small numbers –non-associative (a + b) + c a + (b + c)
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Underflow and Overflow In our six–decimal-digit floating-point representation, the largest number we can represent is The largest double is 1.8 : >> format long; realmax realmax = e+308 >> format hex; realmax realmax = 7fefffffffffffff or more correctly,
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Underflow and Overflow Any number larger than these values cannot be represented using these formats To solve this problem, we can introduce a floating-point infinity: >> format long; 2e308 ans = Inf >> format hex; 2e308 ans = 7ff
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Underflow and Overflow The properties of infinity include: –any real plus infinity is infinity –one over infinity is 0 –any positive number times infinity is infinity –any negative number times infinity is –infinity For example: >> Inf + 1e100>> 325*Infans = Inf >> 1/Inf>> -2*Inf ans = 0ans = -Inf
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Underflow and Overflow The introduction of a floating-point infinity allows computations to continue and removes the necessity of signaling overflows through exceptions An example where infinity may not cause a problem is where its reciprocal is immediately taken: >> 5 + 1/2e400 ans = 5
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Underflow and Overflow Our six–decimal-digit floating-point representation, the smallest number we can represent is 10 –49 The smallest positive double (using the normal representation) is 2.2 10 –308 : >> format long; realmin realmax = e-308 >> format hex; realmin realmax = or more correctly, 2 –1022
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Underflow and Overflow Storing real numbers on a computer: –we must use a fixed amount of memory, –we should be able to represent a wide range of numbers, both large and small, –we should be able to represent numbers with a small relative error, and –we should be able to easily test if one number is greater than, equal to, or less than another
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Underflow and Overflow Any number smaller than these values is represented by 0 This is represented by a double with all 0s, with the possible exception of the sign bit: >> format hex; 0 ans = >> -0 ans = >> format long; 1/0 ans = Inf >> 1/-0 ans = -Inf
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Underflow and Overflow You may have noticed that we did not use both the largest and smallest exponents: >> format hex; realmax realmax = 7fefffffffffffff >> realmin realmin = The largest and smallest exponents should have been 7ff and 000, respectively
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Underflow and Overflow These “special” exponents are used to represent special numbers, such as: –infinity 7ff000 ··· fff000 ··· –not-a-number 7ff800 ··· – ··· ··· –denormalized numbers numbers existing between 0 and realmin, but at reduced precision
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Underflow and Overflow Thus, we can classify numbers which: –are represented by 0, –are not represented with full precision, –are represented using 53 bits of precision, and –are represented by infinity
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation The next problem we will look at deals with subtracting similar numbers Suppose we take the difference between and the 3-digit approximation 3.14 using our six-digit floating-point approximation Performing the calculation: – = = 10 –3 which has the representation
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation How accurate is this difference? Recall that the 3.14 is precisely by our floating-point representation, but our representation of has a relative error of By calculating the difference, of almost- equal numbers, we loose a significant amount of precision
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation The actual value of the difference is – 3.14 = ··· and therefore, the relative error of our approximation of this difference is Thus, the relative error which we were trying to calculate is significant: 25.58%
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation Subtractive cancellation is the phenomenon where the subtraction of similar numbers results in a significant reduction in precision
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation As another example, recall the definition of the derivative: Assuming that this limit converges, then using a smaller and smaller value of h should result in a very good approximation to f (1) (x)
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation Let’s try this out with f(x) = sin(x) and let us approximate f (1) (1) From calculus, we know that the actual derivative is cos(1) = ·· Let us use Matlab to approximate this derivative using h = 0.1, 0.001, ,...
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation >> for i=1:8 h = 10^-i; (sin(1 + h) - sin(1))/h end ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans =
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation >> for i=8:16 h = 10^-i; (sin(1 + h) - sin(1))/h end ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = 0
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation What happened here? With h = 10 –8, we had an approximation which has a relative error of 2.6 10 –8, or 7 decimial-digits of precision With smaller and smaller values of h, the error, however, increases until we have a completely useless approximation when h = 10 –16
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation Looking at sin(1 + h) and sin(1) when h = 10 –12 >> h = 1e-12 h = e-12 >> sin(1 + h) ans = >> sin(1) ans = Consequently, we are subtracting two numbers which are almost equal
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation The next slide shows the bits using h = 2 –n for n = 1, 2,..., 53 Note that double-precision floating-point numbers have 53 bits of precision The red digits show the results are a result of the subtractive cancellation
ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = ans = Approximating the derivative of sin(x) at x = 1 : –green digits show accuracy, while –red digits show loss of precision >> for i=1:53 h = 2^-i; (sin(1 + h) - sin(1))/h end
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation Later in this course, we will find a formula which will approximate the derivative of sin(x) at x = 1 using h = by which is significantly closer to cos(1) = than any approximation we saw before
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation Thus, we cannot simply use the formulae covered in Calculus to calculate numbers numerically We will now see how an algebraic formula you learned in high-school can also fail: –the quadratic equation
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation Rather than using doubles, we will use our six-digit floating-point numbers to show how the quadratic formula can fail Suppose we wish to find the smaller root of the quadratic equation x x This equation has roots at x = – , x = –
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation Using four decimal-digits of precision for each calculation, we find that our approximation to the smaller of the two roots is x = – The relative error of this approximation is , or 34%
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation Approximating the larger of the two roots, we get x = –144.2 The relative error of this approximation is only , or % Why does one formula work so well while the other fails so miserably?
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Subtractive Cancellation Stepping through the calculation: b = b 2 = ac = b 2 – 4ac = The actual value is – ···
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Non-Associativity Normally, the operations of addition and multiplication are associative, that is: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) (ab)c = a(bc) Unfortunately, floating-point numbers are not associative If we add a large number to a small number, the large number dominates: = 5593.
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Non-Associativity Consider the example – If we calculate the first sum first: ( ) – = – = 0.35 If we calculate the second sum first: (54.73 – 54.39) = =
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Order of Operations Consider calculating the following sum in Matlab: The correct answer is answer, to 20 decimal-digits of precision, is
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Order of Operations Adding the numbers in the natural order, from 1 to 10 6, we get the following result: Adding the number in the reverse order, we get the result The second result is off by only the last digit (and only by 0.76)
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Order of Operations To see why this happens, consider decimal floating-point model which stores only four decimal-digits of precision: Adding from left to right, we get: ( ) = = 52.37
Problems with Floating-Point Representations Order of Operations Adding the expression from right to left, we get: ( ) = = This second value has a smaller relative error when compared to the correct answer (if we keep all precision) of
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