INTRODUCTION Teacher Introdution Md A Razzak Sardar Assistant Teacher Mohismari High School Singra Natore Lesson Introduction Class Six Subject : English Unit : 4, Lesson : 4 Eat the Right Food Time : 45 Minute Date : 09/06/2012
Warm up and lesson declaratikon 1.What does Sabinas family Yesterday evening at home. 2.Talk about the picture and use the word below them toMake six rules for good health.
Yesterday evening at Sabina`s home
Think about the picture cleanwash cover
Objectives 1.Students can learn how to make good health. 2.Why is it important for good health to do these things ?
Step -1 Individual Work Word meaning and Make sentence Brush, cut, Comb, clean, Wash, Cover.
Solution -1 Brush :- Teeth your brush. Cut :-We must cut our nails every weak. Comb : -Comb you Hair. Clean :-Drinking a glass of clean water.
Step – 2 (pair work) 1.What was Anwar hossain doing ? 2.What was Shahanara doing yesterday ? 3.What was Hasan doing ?
Solution Shahanara was cooking suffer. 2.Anwar hossain was saying prayer. 3.Hassan was returning home with a ball in this hand.
Step – 3 Group work 1.What are the rules of good health ?
Solution -3 There are rules of health. The rules of health are to-- 1.Eat good food 2.Drink safe water 3.Work 4.Exercise 5.Rest 6.Prevent diseases.
Evaluation 1.What must we know ? 2.What must not we forget ?
Home work 1.Give 6 example of good health ? 2.How to prevent diseases ?