The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. 乌鲁木齐市高级中学 张彦杰.


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Presentation transcript:

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. 乌鲁木齐市高级中学 张彦杰

一:题型解读 试题模式:一篇缺少 5 个句子的文章, 对应有七个选项,要求根据文章结构、 内容,选出正确的句子,填入相应的 空白处。 考查重点:主要考查考生对文章的 整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义 的理解和掌握。(考试说明)

选项特点: 主旨概括句(文章整体内容) 过渡性句子(文章结构) 注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)

阅读标题( Read the titles, and find the characteristics ) 2009 辽宁: Building a Good Home Learning Environment 2010 北京: Muzak 2011 全国: Money Matters 2011 辽宁: Easy Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp 2012 高考: Kids' health: Four steps for fighting stress

二:命题特点 1 :选材特点: 2 :设空特点: 一般为 字左右的说明文、 记叙文或议论文 标题类( title) 、主题句类 (topic sentence) 、承上启下类 (transitional sentence) 、概括 总结类及其他 (conclusive)

一:主旨概括类 ---- 标题类 ( title ) 及首句类( first sentence )

____1_____ Self- worth is very important in your life. We love others, but we need to learn to love ourselves to believe in what we do, and feel better about ourselves. If you do not have self-worth, you may begin to get discouraged. … Find employment or volunteer somewhere you feel valued, or can make a difference … __4__ Think about what you can do to change your future. Make a list of steps you can take to improve your life. Start setting goals in your life. Goals give us something to … Doing the above steps can greatly increase your self-worth, and remember you worth it. A.Stop thinking about the past as you can ’ t change it. B.Keep the saying of “ No pains, No gains. ” in mind. C. Increase Your self-worth and Feel better about yourself D. Believe You can Be the King of the World Even When You Fail.

1. 标题型 首句型 短小精悍,综合全面 文章主题,首尾呼应 总结下文

解题策略: 1. 标题型:具有综合全面的特点。 看选项,先排除。 看第一段主题句,每段首句,看副 标题、最后一段主题句。 2. 主题句型:看选项,找出和文章 中相对应的关键词。

A: Help you child begin to save. B. Start Good Saving Habits Early. C. Get your children Interested in Money D. Let your kids handle their own money. E. Encourage your children to save some money for their college education when they are teenagers. F: Imagine how much money you’d have today if you had saved $3,000 a year since you were a teenager.

1 Teaching children the value of saving and investing will benefit them the rest of their lives. Here is what you can do. … Teach your child about stocks( 股票 ) … Encourage early IRA( 个人退休帐户 saving. B. Start Good Saving Habits Early.

2.Open saving accounts for your children and teach them how the bank adds interest to their savings that makes their money grow. Encourage your children to save a little from every bit of money they receive. A: Help you child begin to save. B. Start Good Saving Habits Early. C. Get your children Interested in Money D. Let your kids handle their own money.

5.We all learn by doing, so letting your kids manage a part of their budget( 预算 ) will let them learn valuable financial lesson. They may make mistakes, but small mistakes may help them avoid larger mistakes as adults. C. Get your children Interested in Money D. Let your kids handle their own money.

二:过渡型句 特点: 位置: 承前启后 句中

Avoid negative( 消极 ) people in your life. ___2____ If these people put you down, do not believe in you, or treat you badly, why are you still around them? It took me years to realize this for myself, and it is true. Negative people hurt your self-worth, and bring you down emotionally. Get closer to people that believe in you. If you do not have these positive( 积极 ) people in your life, find a support group that can help you. 3 Your self-worth can be increased greatly with positive guide. E. Once you set your goals, you will start pushing for more. F. These people are likely to believe in us even when we do not have confidence. G. This could be your husband, boyfriend, other family members, or even friends.

解题策略: --- 瞻前顾后多看看 1. 看代词 或冠词。 It , they, this, these , the.. 2. 看空前,空后的连词 However, but, then, so, also 3. 看本段主题 4. 看相似元素 — 同义词 / 近义词; 同根词

When facing a hard question, most people can ’ t give an answer immediately. Buy time by repeating the question in your own word. __74____ These techniques allow you to quickly organize your thoughts as well as to make sure you will be correctly answering the question. D. There were many difficult questions. E. It can also be more effective in exchanging ideas. F. You may also ask for clarification( 澄清 ) on the question.

三:概括总结类及其他 设空特点: 段尾 — 对一段的总结或全文的总结

1)Stop thinking about the past as you can ’ t change it. Think about what you can do to change your future. Make a list of steps you can take to improve your life. Start setting goals in your life. Goals give us something to focus on, and we push to achieve them, these can be whatever goals you would like to finish, be sure they are achievable goals. 5 C . Increase Your self-worth and Feel better about yourself D . Believe You can Be the King of the World Even When You Fail. E. Once you set your goals, you will start pushing for more.

2) Encourage early IRA( 个人退休帐户 saving. The new Roth IRA is a great way for children who are working in summers or after school to begin saving for their future.___4_____. E. Encourage your children to save some money for their college education when they are teenagers. F: Imagine how much money you ’ d have today if you had saved $3,000 a year since you were a teenager.

解题策略: 1. 有标题看标题。 2. 关注空白前的一句或两句,锁 定关键词或同义词句。 3. 选项中查找表示结果,结论的 信号词 ---therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, in a word.

How to Use Small Talk to Start Effective Communication Communication is the special art of talking with others. Being able to openly begin a conversation with another person or group of people is very rewarding experience.____1__. … Be humble( 谦虚的 ) in sharing your talents and weakness and this will show people that you are just a person like they are. Do not force the conversation, as it will make you appear to be unnatural.____3_____ A : Just be yourself and relax. B. This will show that you are interested in what they have to say. C. Telling an interesting story is another way to open up communication. D. Developing small talk and simple chats is a clever way to express your personality and sense of humor.

总结:( summary) The reading strategies Catch the main idea of the whole passage. Understand the logical connections. Locate the related key words. Check your answers in the context. 主旨大意把握好读懂选项更重要 关键信息相匹配核查排除不可少

Easy Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp