Welcome to Mrs. Pace’s Class! Springfield Elementary Mrs. Pace with her sons.
Please look around and get familiar with our classroom. Find your seat and red communication folder. Forms on the left are for your information and may be taken home. Forms on the right need to be filled out tonight and left in the folder.
o To provide a safe, supportive, learning environment. o Foster a nurturing relationship to promote learning. o To teach children skills that will enable students to be successful and be good citizens. o To work together as a community of learners.
Students will come in and do the following... 1) Empty their red folder by putting lunch money, notes, and homework in the correct baskets. 2) Put their red folder in the folder basket. 3) Make their lunch choice. 4) Get supplies ready. 5) Go to the bathroom or breakfast if needed. 6) Do morning work.
Class Rules Respect to all adults and fellow students is expected in the classroom at all times! Our rules are... Keep your eyes open and be ready to learn! Listen and follow directions! Speak only kind words! Keep your hands to yourself! Walk! No running!
TICKETS Your child will receive tickets for the following… Completing all of their homework for the week. Having a positive attitude. When they are caught being good. Staying on “green” all week. Being a good role model for other students. All tickets will be put in our special ticket box and names will be drawn at the end of the week. Winners will receive prizes (homework passes, special honors, small reward items, etc.)
School Policies Students must be at school by 8:10 am. If there is a change in transportation a note must be sent to school with your child or you must call the office. Please remember the school uniform policy. Navy, black, or khaki shorts, pants, skirts, and jumpers. White, black, or red polo shirts. No brand emblems on any uniform clothes. Tennis shoes must be worn for P.E. days.
Parent Responsibilities Read with your child EVERY night! Initial the behavior sheet in the back of the red communication folder EVERY day. Help your child complete their homework. Ask your child about their day. They should be able to tell you what they learned! Encourage your child to always do their best! Praise them for positive work and behavior!
Get Involved ! Volunteers are always welcome in our classroom! Parents can assist in projects, AR tests, reading, and special events. PTO is always looking for volunteers! Please fill out a volunteer sheet on the table if you would like to volunteer.
Questions I am always available to discuss your child’s learning, behavior, and progress! Ways to contact Mrs. Pace me at Call the school at I will return your call during a planning break or after school.
Fun Facts about your teacher College- University of Georgia (2001) AASU (2004) Favorite color- RED Favorite food- pizza Favorite dessert- ice cream Hobbies- baking and crafting Favorite stores- Hobby Lobby and Target Family- Husband (Chad), sons (Connor-8) and Hunter (almost 5) Teaching isn’t my job- it’s my passion and my mission!