1 238 participants [188 in 2010] 132 presentations (48 oral and 76 poster) [63 oral 66 poster] 13 invited talks [16] 4 Working Group Meetings (MUG/SEU, opto, power, xTCA) [4] Topical session on “Level 1 track trigger for HL-LHC” Tutorial on “Advanced Packaging” WELCOME
3 A1 ASICs 6 talks A2 5 talks B1 Commissi oning 7 talks B2a ProdTestin g 3 talks B2b Rad- Tol comp. 3 talks B3 Interconne cts 6 talks B4 POWER 6 talks A3 TRIG 7 talks A4 5 talks P6 Programm able Logic 3 talks AM A5 ASICs 7 talks TOP TOPICAL POS POSTERS 70 posters Committe e Meeting and Dinner, 19h30 Conferenc e event and Dinner, 19h00 and 21h00 TUT TUTORIA L FPGA Tools and Technique s for High Performan ce Digital Systems PM B5 OPTO 5 talks Wolff Estimating Power P2 Baschirotto LP An Design Piguet LP Dg Design P6 Schulte FPGA P4 Johnson Gnd shield P1 Ferro- Luzzi BCM Thome cooling P3 Gipper buses and boards PWG MUG P5 Key opto technologies P7 Reports from PWG, OWG, MUG Close Out OWG A1 ASICs 6 talks A2 5 talks B1 Commissi oning 7 talks B2a ProdTestin g 3 talks B2b Rad- Tol comp. 3 talks B3 Interconne cts 6 talks B4 POWER 6 talks A3 TRIG 7 talks A4 5 talks P6 Programm able Logic 3 talks AM A5 ASICs 7 talks TOP TOPICAL POS POSTERS 70 posters Committe e Meeting and Dinner, 19h30 Conferenc e event and Dinner, 19h00 and 21h00 TUT TUTORIA L FPGA Tools and Technique s for High Performan ce Digital Systems PM B5 OPTO 5 talks Wolff Estimating Power P2 Baschirotto LP An Design Piguet LP Dg Design P6 Schulte FPGA P4 Johnson Gnd shield P1 Ferro- Luzzi BCM Thome cooling P3 Gipper buses and boards PWG MUG P5 Key opto technologies P7 Reports from PWG, OWG, MUG Close Out OWG A1 ASICs 6 talks A2 ASICs 5 talks B1 Commissi oning 7 talks B2a ProdTestin g 3 talks B2b Rad- Tol cmp 3 talks B3 Interconne cts 6 talks B4 POWER 6 talks A3 TRIG 7 talks A4 TRIG 5 talks P6 Programm able Logic 3 talks A5 ASICs 7 talks POS POSTERS 70 posters TUES DAY WEDNE SDAY THUR SDAY FRI DAY Conferenc e event and Dinner, 19h00 and 21h00 TUT TUTORIA L FPGA Tools and Technique s for High Performan ce Digital Systems PM B5 OPTO 5 talks P6P1 PWG MUG P7 Reports from 3 WGs Close Out OWG P2 P3 P4 P5 TOP TOPICAL Lunch: Wine and Cheese A3 ASICs 7 A4 Interconnect s 3 A1 ASICs 7 A2 ASICs 6 P1 Opening P2 B1 Systems 7 B2 Power 6 TOP Topical 4 B3 Systems 7 B4 Opto 3 A5 Triggering 7 POS POSTERS MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Welcome Drink 18h45 Committee Meeting 19h30 Townwalk 18h30 Conference Dinner 20h00 TUT TUTORIAL High level design and verification PM B5a FPGA 4 B5b Rad Tol 2 Obsolescenc e Preparation for Heavy Ions 1st experience with beam 4 Topical talks Electronics XFEL LHC project status and plans 3D-IC MPW runs for HEP Physics for beg SEEs in circuits for space Opto for comms in large parallel systems Power WG MUG Elect for HEP DE HEP in Aachen HEP in Germany Opto WG New interconnect technologies Close out WG feedback uTCA WG SEU WG A3 ASICs 7 A4 Interconnect s 3 A1 ASICs 7 A2 ASICs 6 P1 Opening P2 B1 Systems 7 B2 Power 6 TOP Topical 4 B3 Systems 7 B4 Opto 3 A5 Triggering 7 POS POSTERS MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Welcome Drink 18h45 Committee Meeting 19h30 Townwalk 18h30 Conference Dinner 20h00 TUT TUTORIAL High level design and verification PM B5a FPGA 4 B5b Rad Tol 2 Obsolescenc e Preparation for Heavy Ions 1st experience with beam 4 Topical talks Electronics XFEL LHC project status and plans 3D-IC MPW runs for HEP Physics for beg SEEs in circuits for space Opto for comms in large parallel systems Power WG MUG Elect for HEP DE HEP in Aachen HEP in Germany Opto WG New interconnect technologies Close out WG feedback uTCA WG SEU WG
4 Opto Power Radiation Packaging Production Logic Trigger Systems Asics Grouped by topics Poster session on Thursday afternoon Put them in place as early as possible
5 The evaluation process of last year has shown There was not enough time left for lunches There was not enough time left for the (very well attended) working groups That’s why there are less oral presentations and more posters this year 1h20 left for lunches At least 2 hours left for the working groups The evaluation form for this year will appear on Indico during the week Please take time to fill it
6 6 JINST Proceedings Section Online-only, peer- reviewed Journal of Instrumentation, published by SISSA and IOPP A lot of benefits Open access Reference Nice WEB site to present the articles and possibility to include into them color pictures, video, … However, this comes with some strict rules Use of JINST, as last year
7 7 Papers MUST be prepared with the JINST template Latex and MS-WORD versions available If not used, the article will just be rejected Copyright assigned to the Institute of Physics Publishing Or agreement giving License to Publish Submission via the JINST site before November 1 st DO NOT send the contributions to the Twepp address Links to the accepted papers will be added in INDICO after paper acceptance All articles will be reviewed (as last year) You might be requested to do some corrections within a given time limit The review process increases the quality of the articles
8 8 Detailed instructions to authors available on the TWEPP-11 site under the “ Contributions ” tab on the Indico site Submit to: Log in Select the JINST Proceedings tab Select the TWEPP-11 tab
10 Countdown clocks for speaker and chairman 20min (40) + 5min questions + Overtime No electrical power for laptops in auditorium
11 & the industrial exhibitors