Employability Building The Curriculum 4 Responsibility of All
Employability Project Leader The role is funded by Invest in Renfrewshire to coordinate and expand the Employability opportunities in schools and support existing opportunities. Invest generate business growth in the area by offering incentives to business to take on young people and developing relationships between schools and business.
SKILLS - Links to departments, links to subjects, links to profiling. Displays on the Skills wall outside the HUB. CAREERS – Future Jobs, Labour Market Information, Employability HUB, Careers Board, Careers Fair. LINKS – Partnerships, business links, bringing business into school.
Careers It all boils down to finding positive destinations for our pupils. We can’t possibly know what jobs will be there for them in the future. We need to provide pupils with information about a wide range of careers that are linked to the subjects they like.
Links Partnerships in the local area. With Youth Community Services. With SDS With Engage/Invest With Business and Industry
S4- S6 pupils have completed a Destinations Survey. This is in the process of being put into a spread sheet to allow us to follow all pupils in the senior phase to see if they are on track to leave to a positive destination. Currently…
The Employabilty Hub has been established. This displays current apprenticeship opportunities and vacancies. There is a Skills Hub and a Careers Notice board. There is also going to be a Meeting Room dedicated to careers.
Skills…. Tracking – pupils need to be able to identify and record skills as they acquire them and be able to communicate that they have these skills to link to applications and CVs. We don’t want this to become more work for teachers – we want pupils to update their planner as they acquire these skills and then to transfer this information to their profiles.