Schneider Electric: Total Cooling Solutions for Data Centers Nestor Hugo Salinas, ATD # Solution Architect
Power Flow in a Typical Data Center 41% Cooling Explain the graph Emphasize IT Equipment is 30% of Data Center electrical load PUE = 2.13 DCiE= 47% Source: WP # 126: An improved architecture for high efficiency, high density data center
Data Center Cooling Trends Efficiency Close Coupled Cooling Higher Temperature Operation Free Cooling Evaporative or Adiabatic Cooling Containment Cooling Chimney Racks and Ceiling Plenums Dew Point Humidity Control Non-integrated Humidification Intelligent Management Systems Increased Temperatures Speaker Notes Key Points: Now that the participants are familiar with the data center cooling market, it’s time to look at emerging trends in cooling. Because the cooling industry is constantly evolving, it’s important to stay on top of the issues that customers are facing and new techniques that are being introduced. Efficiency Seems to be the biggest Trend, and is driving some of the other trends like Increased Operating Temperatures in the Data Center and Economizer. Chip Level Cooling is something that continues to be talked about and something that needs to be watched, and could also be argues as to whether it is truly a trend or just a niche application. Economizers
Cold aisle – Hot aisle Without With C F C F C Source: WP # 40: Cooling Audit for Identifying Potential Cooling Problems in Data Centers
3 Cooling Architectures Rack density**: Low: up to 3 kW Medium: 3kW < X < 8kW High: 8kW < X < 15kW Extreme: >15kW APC fue pionero en enfriamiento en filas Source: WP # 130: The advantages of row and rack oriented cooling architectures for data centers ** NMX-J-C-I-489-ANCE-ONNCE –NYCE-2014
Hibryd Cooling Solutions Overhead Cooling Row Cooling Chillers Room Cooling Neutral Containment Heat rejection
How can we help you
Design tools:Configuration – ISX Designer Directions: Contact APC Sales Engage Local Representative APC implements requirements with pre-tested solutions from configurator APC Configuration team addresses unique requirements
Design tools: StruxureWare - EcoStream
Improve Performance: Air Distribution
Low density: Room Cooling DX and CW 20 – 100 kW DX units 20 – 190 kW CW units High Effiency EC Fans technology Frontal Access R410A refrigerant Electronic Expansion Valve integrated with Uniflair control Tandem compressors to increase unit efficiency at partial loads Energy Saving and Twin versions 208V and 480V
Medium / High Density: Row Cooling
InRow® Cooling Leader InRow® Chilled Water InRow® Direct Expansion
InRow® Cooling Overhead InRow® Pumped Refrigerant R134A White Space is not required Up to 27kW per unit Up to 160kW per system High Availability En una crac el motor del equipo debe ser un motor grande para poder aventar el aire a la distancia que se requiera. En la solución inrow la distancia para aventar el aire cuando mucho es de 1.2m que es el ancho del pasillo Una granm diferencia es que el retorno de la máquina inrow está en la parte trasera por lo que se evitan las mezclas de aire caliente. Hacer diagrama de pasillofrio, pasillocaliente, pasillofrio y explicar sus ventajas. Comparar el diseño redundante 2n del equipo perimetral en comparación con el equipo inrow con redundancia N+1 Todos los equipos de aire inrow son de velocidad variable,. En la crac el termostato está en el retorno, por lo que si existen mezclas de aire o en salas muy grandes el termostato no tiene la capacidad de localizar las variaciones de temperatura debidas a la operación de los servidores (dormirse)
High / Extreme density: EcoAisle® Ceiling panels support hot or cold aisles Blank Panels available for 300, 600, 700, and 750mm wide spaces Flexibility Blank panels are panels that take the place of a rack based product within the row of racks. This enables a solution to be a truly pay as you go architecture. You can still have a contained aisle even if all of the racks/cooling/power products are not deployed on day one. They are available in 300, 600, 700 and 750mm widths that are adjustable from 42U to 48U in 3U increments. These can also be used to build around building columns in datacenters, racks can be installed on both sides of a column and the blanking panels still provide a containment wall to seal against. Ceiling panels to support hot or cold aisle contiainment Standard options are available to support 900, 1200, 1500 and 1800mm (3ft, 4ft, 5ft and 6ft) wide aisles. If one of these increments are not the right size, the panels can be easily modified to fit any aisle width between 900 and 1800mm. Options available to support (900mm, 1200mm,1500mm, and 1800mm aisle widths ) Panels Can also be modified in the field to fit odd aisle sizes Safe Slide Doors support hot or cold aisles
EcoAisle options Ducted hot/cold aisle Fire safe System LED Lighting Curtain / Sliding safe Door
EcoAisle Fire Safe System There are building codes and standards that are requiring that a contained aisle must allow fire suppression. There are two types of fire suppression. One is a gaseous agent that depletes the oxygen in the room extinguishing the fire. The other is a wet pipe sprinkler. Almost all datacenters must have a wet pipe system. Ceiling containment systems create a barrier between the sprinklers in the ceiling of the room and a thermal event in the aisle should one occur. The AHJ is requiring that the sprinkler heads be dropped through the ceiling panels or that the ceiling containment panels be removed. The Fire Safe system will detect a thermal event by temperature, sound an alarm (visible and audible) and the drop the ceiling panels from position allowing full access to the aisle of the sprinklers at the room level. This system is UL723S tested and certified. The system does have an option of having the ceiling panels drop based on smoke. The smoke detector would have to be customer supplied and connected to the system.
High / Extreme density: Rack Containment
Indirect Free Cooling - EcoBreeze® An Indirect Evaporative Air-Side Economizer with typical partial PUE of 1.09 to 1.20
Free Cooling - EcoBreeze® EcoBreeze – Theory of Operation High Level Application: Sits outside the data center Optional ground or roof placement Turn-key solution Set it in place Run power and water to the unit Duct it to the space
Performance Performance Condiciones Ambientales: Mexico Supply Air Setpoint: 24C IT Design Load: 4.6MW El costo del kW/hr 0.16 USD El costo del agua/GAL 0.0035 USD Performance This slide shows performance numbers based on BIN data and certain data center conditions for St. Louis, Missouri, a mid-climate city with hot summers and cold winters. A 2 Megawatt load would need 41 total EcoBreeze modules to cool the required capacity. At 40% data center load, the EcoBreeze will be in FULL economization 75% of the year (6573 hours). That means no compressor operation! When the ambient wet bulb temperature is too high, some compressor operation is needed, the max being only 43.3% of the cooling load needing to be cooled with DX at 100% IT Load. This slide also shows that the COP numbers for the EcoBreeze goes up drastically as the data center capacity ramps down during off-peak hours (up to 15!) Direct output of the EcoBreeze performance calculator/configurator
Close Control Air Conditioning for Mobile Telecommunications Easy & quick installation Refrigerant charged in factory Complete final testing of unit in factory Reduced installation time Reliable and trouble-free operation SCROLL compressor Low noise operation R407C or R134a refrigerant Supervision system: via serial line RS485 – TCP/IP 23
Mobile Telecom units – Product Range
Chiller Water Units R410A & R134a refrigerant Electronic Expansion Valve integrated with Uniflair control EC Fans (Electronic Commutation) Free Cooling Tandem Compressors Inverter driven scroll compressors Centrifugal compressors Double Screw compressors
Chiller Water units: Product Range 1200 1000 800 kW 600 400 200
Prefabricated Solutions
Schneider Electric Cooling Portfolio Amico Leonardo Wall-mounted Monoblock Gemini Unisplit InRoom SC Room Air Distribution Access Flooring Technical Chillers Free Cooling, Chillers and Economizers Ecoflair® Heat Rejection Room InRow Chilled Water InRow Direct Expansion InRow OA/RA Pumped Refrigerant Thermal Containment Rack Row Rack Air Distribution InRack Direct Expansion Chimeneas 27
Make the most of your energy™ Nestor Hugo Salinas