5.1 Dawn of the Industrial Age
Standard And Objective 10.3.2 Examine how scientific and technological changes and new forms of energy brought about massive social, economic and cultural change Objective-To understand the events that brought about industrialization
I. Life Changes as Industry Spreads It started in Britain 1750 traditional way of life was farming, grew their own food and made their own clothes 1850 many people lived in industrial towns and could buy things produced by others
II. Agricultural Revolution Farming Methods improve Seed Drill Crop Rotation Soil Mix Fertilizer Enclosures Rich landowners combined small farms into larger ones
II. Agriculture Revolution cont. Many farmers were out of work with the better farming and migrated to the cities Population multiplies- surplus and better quality food increased the population Both of these led to a growing labor force
III. New Tech Becomes Key James Watt invents the Steam Engine Steam Engine- Key source of power during the industrial rev. trains/steamships/factories Adam Darby-new Smelting techniques w/coal improved the quality of iron
Question How was the Indus. Rev. able to happen?