The Capacity Implications of 10ppm Sulfur in Gasoline & Diesel The Capacity Implications of 10ppm Sulfur in Gasoline & Diesel
Benefits of 10ppm S May be essential for new technologies eg NOx traps in LD vehicles Gives better performance for HD vehicles & may be needed for Euro IV/V emissions Improves fuel economy on other vehicles Lower emissions on particulates in existing fleet But at an estimated 4.6 mtonnes of refinery emissions/year
Possible Time Table Limited quantities by early 2005 Germany 10 ppm from 2003 Possibly all 10 ppm by 2008/9 EU Heating Oil goes to 1000 ppm in 2008
Possible Problem Areas The Hydrogen Balance Lost of Octane Reduced Capacity when revamping Choice of Crude can be restricted to low sulfur The diesel/heating oil mix Type of sulfur in the crude
Main Gasoline Desulfurisation Options Heavy FCC Naphtha –Divert to Light Cycle Oil –Desulfurise (choice of level) –Desulfurise (min octane loss) Light & Medium FCC Naphtha –Extractive merox –Hydrotreat
Main Diesel Desulfurisation Options High Pressure AGO & LCO –Cobalt/Molybdenum catalyst based –around 70 bar Medium Pressure AGO & LCO –Nickel/Molybdenum based –around 50 bar
Gasoline Desulfurisation Pretreatment of FCC Feed Post FCC treatment of FCC Naphtha Dilution
FCC Naphtha Flow Scheme FCCFCC SplitSplit LtLt HvyHvy To Heating Oil Or Diesel Light Cycle Oil (LCO) Hy FCC Nap ex splt Lt. FCC nap ex splt C5-205 Desul Hy FCC Nap MOG BlendMOG Blend
Diesel Units Hydrotreatment but at different pressures and with different aims New Plants usually ~ 70 bar Revamped Plants usually ~ bar
The Hydrogen Balance Sources –The Reformer Continuous Catalytic (CCR) Semi-Regeneration –Generation Partial Oxidation Steam Reforming –Byproduct of Cogeneration Pressure Swing Adsorption
The Hydrogen Balance Uses -- Desulfurisation –Naphtha –Atmos. Gas Oils –FCC Naphtha –Light Cycle Oil Hydrocracking Dearomatisation
Five Types of FCC Refinery Modeled Medium Pressure Dist. Desul. Units –Making 2000ppm Heating Oil –Making 1000ppm Heating Oil FCC Feed Pretreater No Heavy FCC Nap. Desulfurisation High Pressure Dist. Desul. units
Main Assumptions Petroleum Argus Prices for 26th Nov 2001 H2 Import (where allowed) at $800/MT Free Choice of Brent and ARL At least 20% on crude of Diesel and 7.5% Kerosene Most Processes at European Average
%ARL in Crude Slate (no H2 import)
Margins Mogas $106/MT over BrentMogas $22/MT over Brent
V/o Mogas Make Mogas $22/MT over BrentMogas $106/MT over Brent
ARL in Crude Mix $22/MT over Brent $106/MT over Brent
Effect of h2 Addition on ARL Use
Increase in Margin with
Increase in Diesel with H2
Main Points H2 Balance often important Decisions taken affect Crude Flexibility Capital Costs vary widely Crude and Product differentials assumed are very important Strategic Decisions required