P R O F E S S O R M A R Y – A L I C E TO R R E S – M A C D O N A L D * A R C H – E-S T U D I O – U R B A N D E S I G N G I L B E R T L O P E Z * J A N U A R Y 16 * S P R I N G N O. 1 T E M P L A T E S T U D I E S & B A S I C R E S E A R C H
Houston, Texas Alive with energy and rich in diversity Dynamic imagination, talent and first-class attractions Vibrant economy Beautiful surroundings, optimism & spirit
Downtown Houston is thriving. Houstonians are eagerly embracing a revitalized downtown. This urban comeback has resulted in a virtual explosion of dining and entertainment options in the heart of the City. The Bayou Place provides: restaurants entertainment options variety of colors at night Bayou City added 38,932 residents from July 1, 2006 & July 1, 2007, with more than 100,00 residents.
Underground: Once underground, the maze confuses many people but not too frustrating because it climate-controlled Restaurants & stores available Seven-mile Tunnel Connection Tunnel
Memorial Park: One of largest urban parks Covers approximately 1,466 acres inside the 610 Loop The park was originally designed by landscape architects Hare & Hare (Kansas City, Missouri.
Discovery Green: recreational features art dining playground water features theater stage restaurants
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