Delivering Knowledge for Health Rob Westwood Training and Outreach Coordinator NHS Education for Scotland NHS Health Information Plus
Delivering Knowledge for Health What is NHS Health Information Plus? A one-stop shop to quality assured health information for patients, carers and the public. An online health and wellbeing information portal developed by the NHS Evaluated information sources including: NHS Scotland, BBC Health, and published healthcare research. Learning resources to build confidence in taking charge of your health and wellbeing.
Delivering Knowledge for Health How do I find NHS Health Information Plus? EITHER: Select HI+ from the link provided on NHS Scotland eLibrary
Delivering Knowledge for Health OR: enter the HI+ URL directly into your browser
Delivering Knowledge for Health A-Z Guide to conditions Healthcare journey BBC Health headlines Links to sister sites Your Services Languages and Media Electronic health dictionaries
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Delivering Knowledge for Health Alternative Languages Audio and Video formats
Delivering Knowledge for Health Postcode- based service locators Links to registers of practitioners NHS Scotland Health Boards Further information on services and support
Delivering Knowledge for Health