Review of East Coast Health Services Community Consultation
Our shared vision “Nati” Healthy, Wealthy, Wise Te whakapumau i te Mana motuhake o Ngati Porou mo nga uri whakatipu Mahia nga mahi i roto i te kotahitanga kia ake te oranga o te Tairawhiti (Working together to elevate the well being of Tairawhiti)
Why the three organisations? Belief in a shared vision of quality and sustainable health services for the East Coast Belief in a shared responsibility for working towards and beyond this vision Belief in a long term relationship between all three
Vision for East Coast Health Services As defined by the project sponsors: Transformation of clinical practice Clinically and financially sustainable service Focus on maintaining and improving health outcomes Acknowledgment of the social, environmental, cultural, economic and political influences on health
What does the report say? Celebrates NPH’s strengths - general feeling that NPH provides a good service to its population Front line staff: – Are productive – Work really well as a team – Are dedicated and passionate – Know their patients and their needs – Go above and beyond their role to deliver – Are flexible and creative
What does the report say? Organisational management multi layered and distant from clinical services On going recruitment difficulties Limited clinical leadership Compared to the rest of the country the East Coast population is more rurally isolated, more deprived socio-economic picture, poorest health outcomes nationally Continuation of current service model without change is financially unsustainable: funding levels similar to other like rural services however costs, operating facilities and management higher
What were the areas all agreed on in the Report? The picture of health needs on the Coast, the recognition of the impact of rurality, of employment, income and housing The importance of community ownership in future health services Looking and planning for the future, for long term solutions Effective clinical leadership Effective relationships with the TDH Board, leadership and clinical teams Building primary care expertise, including IT and telecommunications expertise
Areas of challenge in the report Type of facility in the future- number of beds, service hours (24/7 or less), location? Should some services be exited in the future - maternity, aged care, inpatient beds (replaced with observation beds)? Future service mobility e.g. mobile clinics?
What matters to you? We need to hear from you Do you agree with things the three Boards agreed with? What do you think about the three challenging areas? What are ways we can improve how you get health services? Is there anything else in the report we should be mindful of?
Our next steps Completion of the community hui Collecting all the feedback to be reported back to the three Boards Further three Board workshop in November to plan “where to from here, when and how? Advise you of this