Rainforests; How many words can you make out of all of the letters You are not allowed to use the letters more than once
Ecosystems and biomes By the end of the lesson you will; Be able to define ecosystems Be able to define and locate a range of biomes around the world Be able to explained the key characteristics of Rainforest and deciduous forests Have explained some of the key processes involved in rainforests Have applied your new knowledge
So what is an ecosystem? Ecosystems are a community of plants and animals and the environment in which they live. They contain living (biotic) and non living (abiotic) parts. Biotic features are living things Abiotic features are non living Task; On your tables come up with 5 Biotic and 5 abiotic factors. Abiotic Factors Biotic Factors
Food chains; Task Read through the following stages of a food chain Make your own food chain for an area in the Uk
Ecosystems and biomes By the end of the lesson you will; Be able to define ecosystems Be able to define and locate a range of biomes around the world Be able to explained the key characteristics of Rainforest and deciduous forests Have explained some of the key processes involved in rainforests Have applied your new knowledge
Biomes A biome is a major regional group of distinctive plant and animal communities. It is classed as a global scale ecosystem Best adapted to the region's physical natural environment, latitude, altitude and terrain factors. This would explain why cacti only grow in the desert and why some species exist in very cold environments. What Biomes exist around the world?
Where are the different Biomes in the world? Task 1; Stick the map into your books Describe the location of 4 different biomes around the world Key words; North East South West Asia Africa Equator Tropic Cancer Capricorn Inland Coast Poles Equatorial
Ecosystems and biomes By the end of the lesson you will; Be able to define ecosystems Be able to define and locate a range of biomes around the world Be able to explained the key characteristics of Rainforest and deciduous forests Have explained some of the key processes involved in rainforests Have applied your new knowledge
Describing different Ecosystems; TASK Each of you have a different type of ecosystem You need to make notes on the ecosystem You need to be ready to someone else in the class Key Questions; Where is the ecosystem? What are the key characteristics? (Temp and rainfall) How does this impact on plant and animal life? Why is this ecosystem located in this area? Key Ecosystems; Deciduous Forest Tropical Rainforest Task Which of the different ecosystems has the best conditions for life?
Ecosystems and biomes By the end of the lesson you will; Be able to define ecosystems Be able to define and locate a range of biomes around the world Be able to explained the key characteristics of Rainforest and deciduous forests Have explained some of the key processes involved in rainforests Have applied your new knowledge
The water-cycle in the Rainforest Task 1 Read through the following statements Put them in the correct order to explain the water cycle Draw a daigram to show the key processes The morning sun heats the ground There is a large amount of water vapor in the air The warm air starts to rise as a bubble of water vapor The clouds continue to develop to a height of between 2500 and 3500m This will in turn heat the air around it The warm air is fed by more warm air called thermals This means that condensation will occur at a low level Eventually there is too much water in the clouds leading to rain This means that clouds will be formed between 600m and 800m If the warm air is forced to rise over a mountain, warm moist air condenses to form cloud forests Key Question; Which of the following will happen during the morning? Which of the following will happen in the afternoon?
Water movement in forests; The canopy of the rainforest catches the rain (interception) Rain hitting the ground will cause soil erosion Some water is run down the step – stem flow Leaf drip will reduce the amount of soil erosion in the rainforest Water that is on the leaves may be evaporated Drips from the leaf are called leaf drop The roots of the trees are shallow The roots take in water and nutrients Stem flow Leaf drip Evaporation from the soil Water is lost through pores in the leaf called transpiration Interception storage Evapotranspiration Precipitation Surface storage in puddles Task Add labels in to the correct section of the tree Explain how water moves in the rainforest
Ecosystems and biomes By the end of the lesson you will; Be able to define ecosystems Be able to define and locate a range of biomes around the world Be able to explained the key characteristics of Rainforest and deciduous forests Have explained some of the key processes involved in rainforests Have applied your new knowledge
Applying your new knowledge Task You are going to work in a group of 3 You need to try and get through as many questions as possible Choose how many points you want You have 5 minutes to answer as many questions as possible Good luck Points 1. Name 3 decomposers in a food chain What is drip flow? 2. Explain one path that rain can travel as it arrives on a tree What type of rainfall do we get in Rainforests? 3. Where do we find rainforests? And explain why the climate is like this Why do you get deserts at 30 degrees north? 4 Describe and explain 3 different methods to reduce the impacts of low pressure systems Describe and explain 3 different ways that high pressure systems can be reduced 5. Explain the impacts of a low pressure system on different groups of people (at least 3) Why do you think that tropical rainforest are in danger of being destroyed
Written Application; Describe the location of a biome around the world Explain the key features of this biome
The morning sun heats the ground The canopy of the rainforest catches the rain (interception) Rain hitting the ground will cause soil erosion Some water is run down the step – stem flow Leaf drip will reduce the amount of soil erosion in the rainforest Water that is on the leaves may be evaporated Drips from the leaf are called leaf drop The roots of the trees are shallow The roots take in water and nutrients Stem flow Leaf drip Evaporation from the soil Water is lost through pores in the leaf called transpiration Interception storage Evapotranspiration Precipitation Surface storage in puddles The morning sun heats the ground There is a large amount of water vapor in the air The warm air starts to rise as a bubble of water vapor The clouds continue to develop to a height of between 2500 and 3500m This will in turn heat the air around it The warm air is fed by more warm air called thermals This means that condensation will occur at a low level Eventually there is too much water in the clouds leading to rain This means that clouds will be formed between 600m and 800m If the warm air is forced to rise over a mountain, warm moist air condenses to form cloud forests Key Question; Which of the following will happen during the morning? Which of the following will happen in the afternoon?