11/22/2015 1 The ALBI model Lucca, Knowledge seminar January 21st, 2014 Provincia di Lucca.


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Presentation transcript:

11/22/ The ALBI model Lucca, Knowledge seminar January 21st, 2014 Provincia di Lucca

The ALBI model the starting point Innovation is the outcome of many activities and many actors:  Industrial system  Universities, public research institutions  Financial intermediaries, demand conditions… The role of Governance:  Coordination among actors  To favour the exchange of know-how  Elimination of barriers  Building an integrated and synergic local innovation system 2 Provincia di Lucca

3 Politecnico di Milano

The ALBI model a model to measure innovation Advanced Local Balance of Innovation (ALBI) Methodology for supporting the effort of local authorities to build up an agenda for innovation:  Focus on key processes and actors  Quantitative analysis, whenever possible  Involvement of local stakeholders Workshops Discussion tables Model validation 4 Procvincia di Lucca

Provincia di Lucca 5 How did we start….. Sharing each own experience on Innovation models or systems of measurement; Reviewing LBI model proposed by Province of Lucca and elaborated in a former Interreg IIIC project

Organisation of local discussing tables with key actors in the field of innovation for selecting the most useful indicators from LBI model and to collect indications about eventual new indicators Defining a new model (ALBI: advanced local Balance of Innovation) made of a integrated and revised indicators as a result of common analysis Provincia di Lucca 6 The follow-up…

Provincia di Lucca 7 Right now…(1/3)  A new model has been set out made at two level with 4 main areas of investigation in coherence with the starting point Enterprises are not single units, but part of a whole context made of several variables: education and research system, different characteristics of the enterprise system, different infrastructures and framework conditions, a specific governance system

Right now…(2/3)  A questionnaire has been defined with the contribution of all partners to be submitted to local enterprises according to specific guidelines;  Definition of guidelines for the submission of the questionnaire; Provincia di Lucca 8

Right now…(3/3)  Definition of the IMPLEMENTATION PLAN in order to fix the steps for ALBI model validation and objectives  Creation of 3 Direction Boards for the testing phase (Romania+Lithuania/Ireland+Slovenia+Mal ta/Lucca+ Germany+ France) Provincia di Lucca 9

What’s next…(1/3) Questionnaires will be previously tested and eventually revised according to the limits underlined; Questionnaires will be submitted in order to collect data for the ALBI Level 2  Survey to firms  Survey to business support centres Provincia di Lucca 10

What’s next…(2/3) Each Direction Board will fill in a report containing the data collected with the questionnaire; The three reports will be compared and a common scoreboard will be outlined. Politecnico di Milano 11

What’s next…(3/3) On the base of the common scoreboard each partner can make its own evaluation taking into account its local dynamics; New innovation policy strategies can be potentially developed Politecnico di Milano 12