1 Psychology 320: Psychology of Gender and Sex Differences Lecture 47
2 Announcements 1. UBC VDay presents empowering plays, February 14-18: Vagina Monologues: A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer:
3 2.Val Kalende is coming to UBC! Val Kalende is a LGBTQ activist in Uganda, where homosexuality may result in life imprisonment or the death penalty. She will participate in two events: “Getting Out” film screening February 14th, 7:00 – 9:00 PM, Liu Institute for Global Issues. Research and activism workshop February 16th, 11AM -2PM 3rd Floor Boardroom, Liu Institute, RSVP: More information:
4 Careers and Work 2. What forms of discrimination are encountered in the workplace? 1. Do females and males value similar job characteristics?
5 2. review Major and Konar’s model of sex differences in salary expectations. 1. discuss sex similarities and differences in preferred job characteristics. By the end of today’s class, you should be able to:
6 3. define the terms: access discrimination, treatment discrimination, the glass ceiling, and the glass escalator. 4. generate examples of access discrimination and treatment discrimination. 5. review statistics regarding sex disparities in pay in Canada.
7 Do females and males value similar job characteristics? A meta-analytic study (Konrad et al., 2000) has investigated the job characteristics valued by females and males:
8 Sex Differences in Preferences for Job Characteristics (Konrad et al., 2000)
9 Consistent with the sex difference for the value placed on “earnings,” research has shown that females have lower salary expectations than males:
10 FemalesMales Business administration Entry pay Peak pay 36,600 73,000 45, ,400 Biology Entry pay Peak pay 49,900 82,600 77, ,000 English Entry pay Peak pay 24,800 45,300 25,800 88,400 Psychology Entry pay Peak pay 32,100 60,400 32,600 60,700 Overall Entry pay Peak pay 34,600 64,600 42, ,600 Expected Salary by Sex (Heckert et al., 2002)
11 Major and Konar (1984) suggest that four factors account for the lower salary expectations of females in relation to males:
12 Sex Importance of Earnings Pay Expectations Major and Konar’s (1984) Model of Sex Differences in Salary Expectations Career Path Factors Job Input Factors Social Comparison Standards
13 What forms of discrimination are encountered in the workplace? There are two forms of discrimination that males and females encounter in the workplace.
14 1. Access discrimination: Occurs when hiring decisions are made (e.g., who is hired, what position s/he is offered). More likely to occur when job qualifications are ambiguous. Example: Rent-A-Center, 2002.
15 2. Treatment discrimination: Occurs after hiring decisions have been made (e.g., salary, opportunities for promotion, opportunities for professional development, working conditions). Characterized by the “glass ceiling” and “glass escalator.” Substantial research has examined one form of treatment discrimination—the pay disparity between females and males.
16 MalesFemalesPercentage Gap Overall40,13136,40536,53629,74429,21129, No high school36,60332,02230,47823,99322,83522, High School38,92934,22732,80427,79326,45125, Non-University Post-Secondary Certificate 41,78937,87136,68830,69529,06227, University Degree 44,65242,21945,05437,68437,06636, Disparity in Mean Pay by Sex and Education Level, (Statistics Canada, 2007)
17 DisciplineMalesFemales Education35,55233,877 Arts34,52929,524 Humanities36,42033,214 Social Sciences41,68435,133 Commerce47,96740,191 Life Sciences36,35433,076 Engineering52,06744,867 Health46,90742,841 Math, Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences 49,534 41,301 Disparity in Mean Pay by Sex and Area of Study, 2001 (Statistics Canada, 2007)
18 Weekly Earnings by Sex (US Department of Labor, 2006)
19 Evidence of Treatment Discrimination at UBC (UBC Faculty Focus, 2009) With respect to starting salary, female faculty are paid an average of $1,667 less than male faculty. With respect to yearly salary, female faculty are paid an average of $14,827 less than male faculty. Over a 35-year career, the average female professor makes $267,000 less than her male counterpart. Average award amounts are 10% lower for female faculty than male faculty. 13% of female faculty achieve the rank of full professor, whereas 46% of male faculty achieve the rank of full professor. Female faculty achieve the rank of full professor after an average of 13 years, Male faculty achieve the rank of full professor after an average of 10 years. Although 44% of faculty are female, only 17% of heads and directors are female.
20 CountryWomen’s % of Men’s Earnings CountryWomen’s % of Men’s Earnings Canada65.8Greece83.8 United Kingdom75.7Italy85.7 United States77.9Spain86.8 Austria78.9France89.2 Netherlands78.9Denmark89.6 Ireland80.2Belgium92.7 Germany80.6Portugal94.1 Percent of Men’s Wages Earned by Women in Various Countries (International Labor Office, 2004; Statistics Canada, 2004; US Department of Labor, 2003)
21 Careers and Work 2. What forms of discrimination are encountered in the workplace? 1. Do females and males value similar job characteristics?