Mercury Stable Isotope Investigations in San Francisco Bay: Summary of Results and Proposal for Additional Work Joel D Blum, Principle Investigator Gretchen E Gehrke, Graduate Student RMP Meeting, 7 June 2010
Slide 1: Sediments paper Figure 4
Slide 2: Sediments paper Figure 3
Slide 3: Fish paper Figure 4
Slide 4: Fish paper Figure 5
Slide 5: Fish paper Figure S1-2
Slide 6: Atmospheric summary Figure 3
Slide 7: Atmospheric summary Figure 4
Slide 6: Atmospheric summary Composite Figure
Proposal: Continued Investigation of Mercury Stable Isotopes in San Francisco Bay 1.Hg isotope analyses of reactive inorganic mercury extracted from sediments. 2. Hg isotope analyses of sediment from additional sample sites in the Sacramento River Delta region. 3. Hg isotope analysis of large-volume urban run-off samples. 4. Hg isotope analysis of co-located samples of dry deposition, wet deposition and gaseous elemental mercury at a single location in the Bay area. 5. Hg isotope analyses of sport fish and sea-bird egg shells to gain information on Hg sources to these organisms.