Sampling Site N Mariager Fjord Hobro Mariager Kattegat Graphic from Inner fjord salinity: 12-17‰ at top 18-24‰ at bottom Outer fjord salinity: 20-25‰
Mariager Catchment Area: 572 km 2 66% agriculture 17% woodland 9% towns 8% lakes Graphic from 1\3 water from catchment
Mariager Fjord - Land Reclamation
Stratification in the inner fjord - when sampling March Salinity Oxygen 2002 Graphics from
Oxygen Conditions Now Depth Oxygen & Hydrogen Sulphide Oxygen Hydrogen Sulphide Graphic from
Oxygen in 1997 Graphic from
Oxygen in 1997 Graphic from
MOLTEN cores in Mariager Fjord Two sampling occasions September MF1-5: possibly over-cored March MF6 - 9: intact surface MF8 - Master Core - dated Visual assessment showed no major changes down core - all black & smelly High water content, all levels > 90%
Core Correlation MF8, 210 Pb-datedMF6 & MF9 diatom correlated
Sediment Properties LOI high (15-30%) Increase at 20cm No major change in particle size
Geochemistry - MF2 TN (1-2%), TC (6-15%) & BSi (10-23%) are all high for coastal sediments The changes towards core top will disappear when fluxed/corrected for salt concentration TN TC BSi
Pigments - MF6 Comparison between the sites Chlorophyll aCarotenoids Mariager Fjord has a very high concentration of pigments compared to the other long-core sites
Mariager Fjord, Denmark No shift in community composition, diatoms and dinoflagellates show species change Steady increase in chlorophyll a and carotenoids over time Dominating pigments in good agreement with monitored algae (diatoms, dinoflagellates) and the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum Good preservation, low chl a degradation/chl a ratio
Cysts from 9 taxa found in core MF Dinoflagellates 1890
Diatoms Excluded taxa & Benthic:Planktonic excluded
Diatoms Main Taxa and Reconstructions
Stable Isotopes - MF High valuesNo distinct shiftsSeveral possible explanations Increased fertiliser? Periodic anoxia - more denitrification?
%N from Stable Isotope Analysis Decrease in %N at core top - denitrification leading to N release as N 2 gas? Or will it disappear when fluxed/corrected?
N Fertilizer applied to Mariager Catchment More fertilizer would lead to heavier N isotopes 1000 tons N/year Lag? Graphic from
Fossil fuel burning correction needed - would accentuate increase Productivity proxy?Increase in anoxic events?
%C from Stable Isotope Analysis %C decreases at core top - disappear when fluxed/corrected?
Mariager Areal Productivity No obvious change
Summation Little change seen in TN, TC & BSi Good pigment preservation, general agreement with monitoring data, but no indication of community shift Largest changes in dinoflagellate species between Large change in diatom B:P Transfer functions hampered by lack of analogues in top, little agreement between models and no agreement with monitored data Delta 15N may show fertilizer signal. Delta 13C signal may reflect increase in anoxia