Reading Strategy Power Point! By: Noah
Summary Varjak paw Right now what is happening in my book. Is someone let these two black cats and a gigantic guy in their house. And Varjak and the Elder paw might have to fight them because the only to get them out if the house if they fight them. And varjak and the Elder paw are just hoping that they will win! And they 2 black cats and the gigantic guy is really strong and huge. And they are going to fight inside the house. The cats where just waiting for Varjak and the Elder paw to do something. The cats and the gigantic guy have experiment fighting and varjak and the Elder paw probably hasn't had any experiment fighting!
Questions The Merchant Of Death! I wonder if Uncle press is going to catch Connor catching Courtney? Are the going to get in trouble for kissing? Where is Uncle press getting all of this money from?
Connection Aurora County All-Stars A connection means that you take a part of the book and connect it to your life that is what it means to me. I can connect to Aurora County All-Stars. By playing baseball and when I had a baseball game the baseball field got booked out!
Inferring Varjak paw Inferring is when you use clues from the book to try to figure out what a person may be thinking of feeling. I could infer that Varjak was nervous about fight the toughest 2 cats and the elder paw. I think he felt nervous because I could imagine what it would be like to fight two huge bullies and their dad!
Predicting I think Varjak and the elder paw is going to win the fight! Varjak paw I think Varjak and the elder paw is going to win the fight! They might lose because they don’t believing their self. But if they try it they might win!
Clarify Clarify means that something that in the book that doesn't make sense. Like a really hard word in a book is really hard to pronounce and you don’t get it. If this happens you can take a guess of a imagine. Or look it up in a dictoniary
Decoding Aurora County All-Stars Decoding means that when you sound out big words like Manuscript. To me it means like you just like clap out the words. Here is an example Man-usr-ipt