APOTHECARY By: Olivia Hackett Take a quiz on Apothecary
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QUESTION 1 An apothecary does sell tobacco. True False Yes an apothecary shop does sell tobacco. No an apothecary shop does not sell tobacco
ANSWER 1 Continue to Next Question! True!! An apothecary shop sells things such as cooking spices, candles, salad oil, anchovies, and alcohol.
QUESTION 2 A B C Did men or women work as apothecary? Men! Women! Both!
ANSWER 2 Continue To Next Question Both is correct, men and women both worked as apothecary. A famous partnership is Dr. William Paster and Dr. John minson Galt. Paster died in 1791,Galt in 1808.
QUESTION 3 True False An apothecary is also called a pharmacist. Yes an apothecary is also called a pharmacist. No an apothecary is not also called a pharmacist
ANSWER 3 Continue to Next Question Yes an apothecary is also called a pharmacist, you might go to wegmans and see apothecary on the pharmacy window. So their job is apothecary, they just don’t call it that anymore.
QUESTION 4 A B C What would an apothecary use to cure a fever? Chalk Calamine Chinchonal
ANSWER 4 Continue to Next Question Yes, an apothecary would have cured fevers with Chinchonal, heartburn with chalk and skin irritations with calamine.
QUESTION 5 True or false, an apothecary can train apprentices! True False True an apothecary can train apprentices. False an apothecary cant train apprentices.
ANSWER 5 Take Quiz Again! True! An apothecary often provided medical treatment, prescribed medicine, trained apprentices, performed surgery, and served as man-midwives. Great job if you got any incorrect try the test a again. Perfect practice makes perfect!