How to build a social media strategy? Sean Singleton
Social Commerce Workshop: How to build a strategy Building a business case Common mistakes How do we avoid them Tips & Trends Summary
Social Commerce
Social Media on E Commerce Platforms
E Commerce on Social Platforms
6 Social Media Tools
Facebook commerce is selling to FANS not consumers
It can be selling ON Facebook or selling WITH Facebook
Use F Commerce for retail events
Experiment and explore opportunities to learn from your fans
This is a workshop!
Building a business case
Social Networks are the Most Popular Activity Online
1 in 5 online minutes spent on SN, Up from 6% in 2007 Source: comScore Media Matrix, Worldwide, March 2007 – October 2011, “It’s a Social World,” Dec It’s a Social World Social Networks are the Most Popular Activity Online EC
The Social Media Universe is expanding
The Social Media Universe is Expanding 15MM+ users 135MM+ users 51MM+ users 15MM+ users 62MM+ users 232MM+ monthly active users 115MM+ subscribers 20MM+ blogs 6MM+ users 800 MM+ monthly active users 230MM+ users 2MM+ users 500K+ users 800MM+ monthly users visit site More people on more social networks than ever before Source: Official and Estimated statistics. Facebook, YouTube, Zynga, Twitter, LinkedIn, Groupon, Flickr, Tumblr, Instagram, Foursquare, Pinterest, scvngr, Path, Google+ SlashGear, TechCrunch / Comscore, FastCompany, Oink: TechCrunch, GetGlue, Foodspotting: Soraya Darabi’s LinkedInFlickrSlashGearTechCrunch / ComscoreFastCompanyTechCrunchGetGlue: Soraya Darabi’s LinkedIn 100K+ users 2MM+ users 1.5MM+ users EC
Social Networks Now Reach 82% of the World’s Internet Population
That’s 1.2 billion people Social Networks Now Reach 82% of the World’s Internet Population Source: comScore Media Matrix, Worldwide, March 2007 – October 2011, “It’s a Social World,” Dec It’s a Social World EC
Social Networking is growing in every single country
Total time spent on all regions grew by 35%+ in 2011 Social Networking is Growing in Every Single Country Source: comScore Media Matrix, Worldwide, March 2007 – October 2011, “It’s a Social World,” Dec It’s a Social World EC
Google + is growing fastest than other social network
Google+ is Growing Faster Than Other Social Networks 67 million people have visited Google+ Source: Comscore Source: Leon Haland, Google+ calculations by Paul Allen, comScore, MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Time to reach 50 million users (estimate) EC
The web is a massive part of our lives. And social media accounts for significant portion of web usage
The conversation is already happening.
Opportunity to gain an competitive advantage.
Helps drive growth.
It is now a must-have for corporate marketing.
Improve your search rankings
What are the most common mistakes ?
Rush to action without a plan
Hasty decisions & knee jerk reactions Tactical approach Focus on wrong objectives or platforms Failing to understand requirements & resources
Defined and measurable objectives Metrics that tie into those objectives Tools & knowledge for tracking metrics Ability to translate online actions to business results
Content Needs to be engaging
Content Needs to be engaging
Content Needs to be engaging Require planning Require approval Often not given proper consideration
Failure to Engage
Engagement hurdles Social Media is about listening & interacting
Limited Reach
Social Media only really works with large (ish) audience Process of building a network is often overlooked Without reach, there is no ROI
How to avoid the most common mistakes?
Reach: How will you promote your programme
What is needed? What will it cost? People, process, assets, tools, etc
Tips & Resources
Learn with monitoring tools 80
Paid services provide monitoring 81 From Radian 6 Other providers BrandWatch Buzzmetrics Cymfony Dow Jones Scout Labs Techrigy/Alterian Visible Technologies
If objective awareness then focus on: web traffic web traffic referrals search volume trends followers, fans, friends social mentions share of voice
If objective sales then focus on: web traffic time spent on site bounce rate content acceptance rate followers, fans, friends social mentions share of voice social connectivity within sales funnel
If objective loyalty then focus on: time spent on site repeat visits content acceptance rate followers, fans, friends repeat social mentions share of voice recommendations & ratings social connectivity within sales funnel customer service metrics net promoter score
Focus relationships not technologies Transactional Occasional Impersonal Short-term Passionate Constant Intimate Loyal