Some progress on ‘linking together’ models Nick Achilleos Lecturer, Department of Physics University College London With thanks to Patrick Guio and Dugan Witherick
Report from UCL We have been pursuing activities which may produce some useful ‘demonstrators’ and deliverables for the JRA3 Distributed Modelling Laboratory. Modelling auroral dynamics at Jupiter (PhD project by J. N. Yates) Coupling UCL Jovian magnetodisc model with a model of plasma flow (Achilleos, Guio) Other possibilities ?
Auroral Dynamics at Jupiter Model 1 - The UCL global, axisymmetric model of Jupiter’s thermosphere and ionosphere (e.g. Smith and Aylward, Ann. Geo., 2009). - Solves equations of fluid flow for the neutral thermosphere. - Needs an algorithm for computing ionospheric current, esp. in the auroral region. - Uses Model 2: the theoretical profile by Grodent and Gerard (JGR 2001) for auroral ionosphere (ion density versus altitude)
Model Linkage Architecture: Auroral profile is built into a subroutine of UCL code UCL model reads auroral profile as a ‘template’ for auroral ionosphere The ion density profile is scaled at all altitudes by the same factor, according to the conductance properties calculated by the disc dynamics routine - gives plasma rotation rate and corresponding M-I currents.
For more information, see paper submitted to PSS by Yates, Achilleos and Guio (2010, arxiv) Grodent / Gerard profile (ascii files?) may be added to JRA3 Catalogue We need more 1D theoretical profiles of auroral structure so that we may use the UCL Jovian and Kronian models as a ‘testbed’ - this should be emphasised as a useful goal of the DNML. Note also the work of Nicholson et al (MNRAS 2009) on precipitation at Mars, UCL are working on taking this further to a coupled model of Martian thermosphere and aurora.
Example 1: UCL Magnetodisc model What is it ? A model which calculates self-consistent magnetic field structure and plasma distributions for a `disc-like’, axisymmetric, rotating magnetosphere. Used for studies of magnetospheric structure at Saturn and Jupiter (giant rapid rotators) e.g. Achilleos, Guio and Arridge (MNRAS, 2010), Achilleos et al (GRL, 2010) Giant Planet Magnetospheres
Present disc model assumes a fixed profile of plasma rotation (angular velocity M ) versus radial distance. New configuration couples disc B-field model to an independent solver of plasma M UCL Magnetodisc Model M Solver B Field Profile in Plasmadisc M profile needed to update force balance, re- compute B Field
New configuration links two independent Matlab codes on different nodes in a local network through a simple Java class using IP Sockets. We could do a similar exercise for the magnetopause field model - at present we use average value from the formulae of Alexeev et al (Ann. Geo. 2005) (Catalogue entry ?) UCL Magnetodisc Model M Solver B Field Profile in Plasmadisc M profile needed to update force balance, re- compute B Field
A reminder of what JRA3 activities may foster in the long term: My feeling is that these are beyond the scope of Europlanet (not enough resource) but they may indicate ‘where we are headed’ if we follow some of the more simple ideas. Example A: A time-dependent MHD model of Jovian or Kronian plasmadisc to couple to the appropriate atmospheric GCMs, to study transient auroral response. Example B: A time- and space-dependent model of auroral precipitation associated with the Io-Jupiter ‘current circuit’, to investigate the nature of wind systems driven by such a localised source of auroral energy input.
10 Progress on Catalogue-Linked Web Apps: These are: 1.The H3+ cooling function calculator (code from S. Miller) JRA3T3 2.The VoiSe image segmentation tool (code from P. Guio) JRA3T4 Web apps migrated to new webserver (beginning 2011) and are now live at Entries for these web apps have been update on the JRA3 catalogue.
11 Input parameters Input files? Job details Results? Jobs Queue Job Process Job Results/Notification by Job details Validate Parameters Process diagram for each web app:
12 Technologies used for Web Apps Web Interface and Parameter Validation Django web framework for Python Job Queuing System/Broker RabbitMQ Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) compliant message queuing system Job Processing Django-Celery asynchronous task queue/job queue. Database for Job Detail Storage MySQL
13 Upcoming Web Apps MarTIM Mars Thermosphere and Ionosphere Model 3D general circulation model of the Martian middle and upper atmosphere from to 9.9×10−8 Pa. Developed by Will Nicholson Possible coupling to TransMars UCL Magnetodisc Model Described earlier… A library of disc model outputs for community use to be placed in the Catalog.
Next steps? Action for all JRA3 Modellers: Whose work is relevant to what you are trying to achieve ? Are they in the catalog - would they be willing to have an entry in the catalog ? The examples shown here illustrate the need in some areas of planetary science for progress by ‘coupling models’, even at a very basic level - e.g. GCMs as ‘testbeds’ for auroral profiles There may also be a possibility that we could provide force-balance models for theoretical models of exoplanet discs (e.g. work by Khodachenko et al) Keep it simple, keep it realistic, make it a part of what you would ‘naturally’ want to do in your own research programme From our meetings, it is clearer that IDIS ideally would provide a variety of databases which, in principle, could be queried from a system like the one described herein - keep this in mind, and keep informed of IDIS progress. (Note IDIS general meeting in Rome, June 7)