Art Lesson : The Bug Ball
Raise your hand to describe what you see in this painting.
This painting was made around 400 years ago. The artist liked painting things in a way that looked very real.
Though they look real, would these bugs really be together on his table at the same time?
Sometimes artists like to use their imaginations to create art that looks real, even if it is make believe. You are going to use that idea to make a drawing today.
Imagine these insects were attending a fancy party with lots of other bugs. What sorts of things would you see?
How will the bugs get to the party? Will they crawl? Fly? Drive?
Would there be decorations? Balloons? Banners? Streamers? Will they sit at fancy tables?
How would the bugs dress? Would they wear fancy clothes?
What sorts of food would they serve there? Would there be party games or dancing?
These are the materials needed for your drawing: white paper – 12”x18” or 9”x12 Supplies from your art box Pencil (Please draw your picture in pencil first) crayons or markers
Write your name and room number on the back of your paper Remember to make your drawing as big as your paper. Color your work in neatly.
Insects You Might Like to Use in Your Drawing
Questions to ask as students draw: How would they get to the party? Would they fly? Would they drive? Would they crawl? What would they wear? What sort of decorations might be there? Will there be balloons or banners? What sort of refreshments might be there? Would they be snacks that only bugs would like? What sorts of party games might they play?
Dear Sub, Here are some possible ways to end the lesson. 1.When the students are done, have them bring you their drawings. They may sit around you on the floor. Tell them that you will be showing each drawing and that they should clap for every one. 2.You may have the students walk around to look at all of the drawings. Remind them to be kind. If they see a work they like, they may tell someone. If they don’t like a drawing, they should keep that thought in their head. 3.The students may take turns sharing their drawings at their own table.