MH...CH07.....LECT011 What is Material Handling? Materials handling is the science and art both involving the moving, packing and storing of substance.


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Presentation transcript:

MH...CH LECT011 What is Material Handling? Materials handling is the science and art both involving the moving, packing and storing of substance in any form, and includes the preparation, placing and positioning the material to facilitate their movement or storage. Materials handling is the science and art both involving the moving, packing and storing of substance in any form, and includes the preparation, placing and positioning the material to facilitate their movement or storage.

MH...CH LECT012 What is Material Handling? (IMMS) International Materials Management Society defines the materials handling as: “Materials handling is an art and science involving the materials, packaging, and storing of substances in any form ".

MH...CH LECT013 INTRODUCTION  Basic function of materials handling is the movement of material.  Industrial revolution in late 18 th and early 19 th centuries, developed the need of materials handling from factory system. The industries, supermarket, offices, construction projects and the banks - all are engaged in moving things.  In early days man was physically handling the material, however, over a period of years, he has started applying mechanical principles like lever, wheel, pulley etc. Cont…...

MH...CH LECT014 Materials handling generally adds significant element of cost to a product. Materials handling generally adds significant element of cost to a product. Materials handling generally costs between 20 to 35% of the cost of the product. Materials handling generally costs between 20 to 35% of the cost of the product. Earlier, it was a general belief that most of this cost is inevitable and can not be easily avoided. Earlier, it was a general belief that most of this cost is inevitable and can not be easily avoided. But now-a-days need for reduction in material handling costs through systems approach is being realized. But now-a-days need for reduction in material handling costs through systems approach is being realized. Not only cost, majority of production time is also consumed in handling material before, during and after the manufacture. Not only cost, majority of production time is also consumed in handling material before, during and after the manufacture. Cont…...

MH...CH LECT015 The materials handling time and cost can be reduced by proper selection, operation, maintenance and layout of these handling devices. The materials handling time and cost can be reduced by proper selection, operation, maintenance and layout of these handling devices. Materials handling is a prime consideration in designing new plants, Materials handling is a prime consideration in designing new plants, Existing plants can also be modified by the application of modern materials handling devices. These devices increase output, improve quality, speed up the deliveries and therefore, reduces the production cost. Existing plants can also be modified by the application of modern materials handling devices. These devices increase output, improve quality, speed up the deliveries and therefore, reduces the production cost.

MH...CH LECT016 Materials handling : Materials handling :Materialshandling Time. Quantity. Space Movement.

MH...CH LECT017 Movement : Materials handling involves movements of materials mechanically or manually in batches or one by one within the plant. Materials handling involves movements of materials mechanically or manually in batches or one by one within the plant. Movement of materials may be horizontal, vertical or combination of both. Movement of materials may be horizontal, vertical or combination of both. Primary concern of materials handling engineer is to find out most efficient manner as to how raw materials reach operator and how finished or processed articles are removed from the work station. Primary concern of materials handling engineer is to find out most efficient manner as to how raw materials reach operator and how finished or processed articles are removed from the work station. And also concerned to find out as to how parts, materials, and finished products must be moved from location to location. And also concerned to find out as to how parts, materials, and finished products must be moved from location to location.

MH...CH LECT018 Time : Materials must arrive at its place at right time. Materials must arrive at its place at right time. Materials handling must ensure that no production process or customer (internal as well as external) need is hampered due to late or early arrival of material at each location. Materials handling must ensure that no production process or customer (internal as well as external) need is hampered due to late or early arrival of material at each location.

MH...CH LECT019 Quantity : Materials handling must ensure that each location continually receives the right quantity of materials. Materials handling must ensure that each location continually receives the right quantity of materials.

MH...CH LECT0110 Space : Space requirements are influenced by the materials handling flow pattern. Space requirements are influenced by the materials handling flow pattern. Space is required for storage of raw materials, parts and semi-finished or finished products, Space is required for storage of raw materials, parts and semi-finished or finished products,

MH...CH LECT0111 Inefficient Materials Handling Reasons: Back-tracking in material flow. Back-tracking in material flow. Congested aisles. Congested aisles. Bottlenecks or hindrances in material flow. Bottlenecks or hindrances in material flow. Disorganized storage or piled up material on floor. Disorganized storage or piled up material on floor. Excessive movement. Excessive movement.

MH...CH LECT0112 Good Handling System Advantages: Better use of the floor space and facilities. Better use of the floor space and facilities. Increased production due to reduced manufacturing cycle time and faster movement of materials. Increased production due to reduced manufacturing cycle time and faster movement of materials. Reduced materials handling time and indirect labor cost. Reduced materials handling time and indirect labor cost. Improved inventory control. Improved inventory control. Less fatigue of workers. Less fatigue of workers. Reduced inventory in process. Reduced inventory in process. Cont…..

MH...CH LECT0113 Greater industrial safety and elimination of accident potential and disruption of work Greater industrial safety and elimination of accident potential and disruption of work Better working conditions. Better working conditions. Better protection of materials being handled. Better protection of materials being handled. Help in manufacturing the quality standards. Help in manufacturing the quality standards. Improved moral of workers. Improved moral of workers. Reduced cost of transportation. Reduced cost of transportation.

MH...CH LECT0114 MATERIAL HANDLING COST Materials handling includes following costs : Materials handling cost = cost of handling + cost of transportation + cost of packaging + cost of space + cost of handling equipment including operation, maintenance and depreciation etc. Materials handling cost = cost of handling + cost of transportation + cost of packaging + cost of space + cost of handling equipment including operation, maintenance and depreciation etc.

MH...CH LECT0115 In any industry materials handling is of following three types: 1.handling of individual part or unit by men, 2.handling in room, department, or plant Cont…..

MH...CH LECT handling of materials during the entire process of production and distribution, starting from raw material source, going through the factory and distribution network to the ultimate customer and beyond, to waste disposal and recycling. As shown below; Raw material —» Supplier —> Transportation — > Receiving -> Storing —> Issue —» Manufacturing or fabrication -> Packaging —> Shipping —»Dealer or Distributors warehouse —> Retailers —> Customer - Disposal —» Recycling

MH...CH LECT0117 Elements of the movement of materials: Picking up the load Transporting the load Setting the load down.