EDE 202 E Portfolio Creative Arts and Design Kristy Neal
Drawing and Design Still Life For my still Life I decided to draw my fire place. It is my favourite thing about winter, sitting inside by the fire melting marshmallows with the kids while watching movies and staying away from the cold. I chose this to draw as it is something close to my heart (Pelo.2007) and for that reason I really enjoyed drawing it. When setting up for a still life subject I put out a piece of paper, black pen and the subject that you will be drawing (Pelo.2007). If you are going to colour it in after have the paint or crayons ready but out of site (Pelo.2007) so that you don’t distract the children from the subject they are drawing.
Drawing and Design Still Life My Still Life Drawing When drawing the picture I spent a couple of minutes before hand really looking closely at my fire place to build a relationship with it (Pelo.2007). By just using black pen I was able to look at the different lines, and structure of the fire place rather than just worrying about what colour I was going to colour it (Pelo.2007), this is important for children to do when drawing and is why you need to keep colouring instruments out of the way. After I finished drawing my picture it was time to clean up the space, as I only used a black pen and piece of paper I just needed to put the pen away and paper away with my other university work.
Drawing and Design This is my Drawing and thinking tool, It is showing how we get wood for the fire place. I chose to do this as my drawing tool as it works with my still life portrait. When I set up my Drawing as a thinking tool project I placed a piece of paper on a table with a single black pen to draw with. To clean my space up I just put my pen and piece of paper away. This is my drawing story, to set it up I placed a sheet of paper and black pen on the table as to keep my mind on the subject I didn’t have anything else on the table (Pelo.2007). For my story I drew a short story about children who are cold, there dad goes out and gets them some wood and brings it home so they can warm up and melt their marshmallows in it. Once I was finisher drawing and was ready to clean up I put the pen away and put the sheet of paper away with my other work.
Drawing and Design Self Portrait When preparing my self portrait I set up a sheet of paper and a black pen on the table, as I dont have a Mirror to look at myself in apart from the bathroom I set up my laptop in front of me with this picture that was taken the day before. I got myself comfortable and examined my picture for a while looking at my different features (Pelo.2007). While I was studying my picture I was thinking about how I was going to draw myself. Once I started to draw myself I continued to study my facial features as I was drawing, I was happy with my face shape and hair but once I got to the nose I really struggled, though I’m not 100% happy with my drawing, its not too bad for my first try. Once I had finished my drawing and it was time to clean up, I put my pen back where I got it and put my sheet with all my other work.
2D Media Finger Painting To set up the finger painting I decided to only use the primary colours so there was less colours to choose from and I could concentrate on enjoying the finger painting rather than choosing colours. I set up 3 small clear pots with the primary colours in them, I put them in the clear pots so its easier to see the colours and engage with them from the start (Pelo.2007) A cup of water to dip my fingers in after I had finished with a colour and some paper towel to wipe my wet fingers on, I left the whole roll close so I had ample supply of paper towel (Pelo.2007). I chose to do finger painting to get a feel for the paint and the different textures and temperatures of the paint as you slick it across the paper (Pelo.2007). While doing my finger painting I chose to just mix colours, draw lines and dots to explore how much paint was a good amount, how much was to much and how much was to little. I chose to do this so I could explore the sensory experiences of colour and texture rather than on the emphasize of a picture (Pelo.2007). I enjoyed the finger painting it was a lot of fun and a little mesmerising (Kolbe.2007).
2D Media Finger Painting When cleaning up from the finger painting I first cleaned my fingers on the dry paper towel to get any excess paint off my fingers so I didn’t drip it anywhere, I then put the dirty paper towel in the bin and used a clean one to turn on the tap so I didn’t dirty the tap when turning it on (Pelo.2007). I then moved over to the sink and washed my hands under luke warm water. Once my fingers where clean I dried them off with the paper towel and put it in the bin. Once I was clean and dry I put my picture on the bench in front of a window to dry, placed the lids back on my paint and put them away and put the paper towel away in the cupboard.
2D Media Water Colour When I was setting up the water paint experience, I used paper towel doubled up to increase its thickness (Pelo.2007), to wipe the paint brush on, I placed the cup of water I will use to rinse the brush in on the paper towel. I have set out a piece of paper and extra paper towel if needed. I have used two different sized brushes so I can get a feel for the difference in paint strokes. Once I have finished with a colour or brush I di the brush into my cup of water and wipe it on the paper towel provided.
2D media Water Colour While I was exploring the brushes and water colour I was dipping the brush into water, wiping excess water off, dipping in paint and transferring to paper using the brush to gently wipe over the paper (Pelo.2007). Once I was finished with the colour or brush I would rinse on the brush in the water and clean excess water off onto paper towel..
2D media Water Colour Once I was finished exploring with the water colour paint and the different size brushes I was ready to start cleaning up. I rinsed off the brushed in water and wiped excess of, I then put dirty paper towel into bin, and rinsed out the cup and the brushes. Once the brushes where clean I dried them off, put the lid back on the paint and put the paint away, while putting the paper on bench to dry.
2D Media Oil Pastel Crayon When I set up my table to experiment with the oil pastel crayons I set up my piece of paper in front of me, laid down some paper towel in case I needed to clean my hands and then laid out the crayons next to similar colours to highlight the relationships between the colours (Pelo.2007). When I was experimenting with the crayons I decided to use them to draw different shapes and lines and colour some of the shapes in. I found this a great way to experiment with the different texture that the crayons left depending on the angel that the crayon was in.
2D Media Oil Pastel Crayon To clean up the Oil pastel Crayons I placed all the crayons back into the tray next to the similar colours so that it enhances their colour (Pelo.2007). I didn’t need to clean my hands with the paper towel so I just put it in the bin. After I had cleaned the Oil pastel Crayons and when to put them away they fell out off their packet through the hole. So I had to turn them around so that they wouldn’t fall out anymore.
3D Media- Clay When I set up my clay experience, I didn’t have a big board or anything to place it on, So I set it up with a sponge so if I needed it I could just clean as I went. I set it up with a bowl of water for both the sponge and my hands in case they needed a clean, or add a tad more water to the clay, I have paper towel to dry hands with and a tooth brush and fork to help mould and design clay if I need it. At first I just used the tooth brush and fork to have a feel of the clay and what types of marks the instruments would leave. I played with the clay in my hands and got a feel for it and how it is responsive to how you mould it (Pelo.2007).
3D Media- Clay After having a play with the materials I decided to make a pinch pot. You have to be careful to make sure you are rotating the clay as you are pinching it, otherwise you will get a thinner side and it could break. This is a great way to get a feel for the clay and how it can be manipulated.
3D Media- Clay After making the pinch pot I used some more of the clay to make the Coil Pot. I rolled the clay using my palms to my finger tips working from the inside out like shown in the you tube video “how to make a coil pot” (expertvilliage.2007). I continued to roll like this until it got to big and was as long as the table was wide.
3D Media- Clay Once the clay was rolled out, I manipulated it into a pot shape to make a coil pot. I don’t think it really looked like a pot, my pinch pot was better but I had fun playing with they clay and manipulating it into different shapes.
3D media- Found Materials To set up my found materials I got some leaves, sticks and bark from outside. I then got a piece of paper and the oil pastels out so I could experiment with the materials and the oil pastels. When experimenting with different ways to use the materials I coloured in the leaves and used them to stamp on to the paper and leave a leaf imprint on the paper. I tried to trace the leaf but the paper I was using was to thick and that did not work. I also used the leave as a stencil to see how that looked.
3D media- Found Materials and wire To set up the wire experience I have some thin wire, scissors to cut the wire with and I also have paper, oil pastels and my found materials to create a picture with my wire. The white paper helps the wire to stand out (Pelo.2007) Once a started playing with the wire I decided to make a picture of trees and a man so I could incorporate my found materials. I had a play with the wire to test out its strength and pliability at being manipulated (Pelo.2007). I then manipulated the wire into a man, two tree stumps and wrapped it around the wood to hold that in place.
3D media- Found Materials and wire Once the wire was manipulated into shapes that I wanted it to be I used the black and white oil pastels to draw clouds and rain onto the picture to give it a winter look. I used the black oil pastel and then white over top to mix the colours to make grey (Pelo.2007). Once I was finished experimenting and ready to clean I rolled the wire up and put it away in a safe place, I put the scissors away high safe and packed up my picture so that the table was clean and ready for another activity.