World War I Europe
THE MAKING OF WAR M ilitarism A lliances I mperialism N ationalism
MILITARISM Putting military concerns over all other affairs of a country. Military pride
IMPERIALISM Establishing political & economic control over countries Europe = competition for new markets
NATIONALISM Extreme love of one’s country Super patriotism
ALLIANCES Agreement between countries to help each other if attacked Public & Secret
European Alliances 1907: The Triple Entente Alliance between Britain, France, & Russia was made because of failing relations between Germany and Russia and Germany and Britain 1907: The Anglo-Russian Entente Britain & Russia ended their differences with this alliance 1904: Entente Cordiale This was an agreement but not a formal alliance between Britain & France 1894: Franco-Russian Alliance Russia allied with France to protect herself from Austria-Hungary and Germany 1882: The Triple Alliance Germany & Austria – Hungary make an alliance with Italy to stop Italy taking sides with Russia 1881: Austro-Serbian Alliance Prevent Russia from gaining control of Serbia 1879: The Dual Alliance Germany & Austria-Hungary make an alliance to protect themselves from Russia
TRIPLE ALLIANCE Austria- Hungary Italy Germany
TRIPLE ENTENTE France Russia Great Britain
Spark that ignites war June 28, 1914 Sarajevo, Bosnia Slavic nationalist assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand (heir to Austro- Hungarian throne)
Chain Reaction in Europe Austria-Hungary ultimatum to Serbia Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia Russia mobilizes (supports Serbia) Germany mobilizes (supports A-H) France mobilizes (supports Russia) Germany violates Belgium neutrality Great Britain joins war against Germany
A Bloody Stalemate Why? Trench Warfare New Weapons –Machine Gun –Long-range Rifle –Gas Failure to Adjust
Military Casualties of the European Great Powers DeadWounded Austria-Hungary Britain and empire France and empire Germany Ottoman Empire Russian Empire TOTAL