World War I – Also known as The Great War or The War to End All Wars


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Presentation transcript:

World War I – 1914-1918 Also known as The Great War or The War to End All Wars Causes 1. Militarism 2. Alliances – balance of power 3. Nationalism 4. Imperialism Assassination – Spark that ignited the war

Opposing Sides Triple Alliance/Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Italy – switches sides in 1915 Ottoman Empire (Turkey) joins in 1914 Bulgaria joins in 1915 Triple Entente/Allied Powers England France Russia Italy – in 1915 Japan joins in 1914 United States joins in 1917

Event that started the War June 28, 1914 – Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife are assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia by Serbian Nationalists – Pan-Slavic movement – The Black Hand Mobilization – preparing your military for war

Gavrilo Princip

1914-1916 First Modern War New weapons – Machine guns, poison gas, airplanes, submarines, giant artillery, flamethrowers, (tanks – in 1917) Early Battles – First Battle of the Marne - 1914 *Trench Warfare – war was stagnant for this period with the battle line moving very little – stalemate *No Man’s Land – area between the trenches *German U-boats – tried to cut off Europe from supplies Battle of Verdun – 1916 – 1.25 million casualties Battle of the Somme – 1916 – 1 million casualties

German Maxim Machine Gun

Vickers Machine Gun Lewis Machine Gun

Big Bertha

American Rail Gun

German Artillery

Spad VII

Sopwith Pup Nieuport 28

Baron Manfred Von Richtofen “The Red Baron”

Gas Bombs Exploding Mustard Gas Victim U.S. Marines Wearing Gas Masks

German Submarine (U-boat) U-14

No Man’s Land

Trench Warfare


Trench Foot

Trench system from the Air

Soldiers Attacking – “Going Over the Top”

Dead German Soldiers

Dead Allied Soldiers

Before After

Allied Tanks

Nicholas II George Clemenceau David Lloyd George

U.S. Neutrality Isolationism – President Woodrow Wilson Events that caused U.S. to go to war 1. German submarine warfare – Lusitania – Germans were attacking U.S. shipping U.S. loaned Allies large amounts of money 2. Sussex Pledge 3. Zimmerman Telegram United States declares war on Central Powers on April 6, 1917

Preparing For War Committee on Public Information – raised public support for war Selective Service Act – drafted over 3 million men African-Americans – 370,000 served – still segregated – fought with the French army Women – 25,000 served – interpreters, nurses, clerks, “Hello Girls” (telephone operators) – 1 million women joined the work force in America Liberty Bonds - $20 Billion War Industries Board Sedition Act of 1918 -made it a crime to "willfully utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, language about the form of the Government of the United State

Propaganda Posters

Selective Service Act

Black soldiers in World War 1

Women In World War 1

Liberty Bonds

Victory Gardens

American Expeditionary Force – AEF – John J. Pershing 1917 – Russia surrenders – Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Bolshevik Revolution in Russia – Communists take over - Nicholas II, Vladimir Lenin Famous battles for Americans 1. Chateau-Thierry 2. Belleau Wood 3. Second Battle of the Marne – turning point of war, Germans last attack 4. Saint-Mihiel November 11, 1918 – Armistice (truce) ends the fighting – Armistice Day/Veterans Day

30 million deaths – 112,000 American $330 billion Fourteen Points – Woodrow Wilson’s plan League of Nations Self-determination – people decide their own political status Treaty of Versailles – set stage for World War II by punishing Germany excessively Germans had to pay reparations – payments for damages - $33 billion Germans had to give up territory Germans had to give up their military U.S. Senate refuses to agree to League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles – America becomes isolationist again

Woodrow Wilson

John J. Pershing

Wilhelm II Franz Joseph I

Vladimir Lenin

Adolf Hitler