Structuralism and Post Structuralism A Level Media
Recap Semiotics is… Saussure is… The difference between the signifier and signified is…
Structuralism Language relies on a shared understanding of ‘rules’. Linguists study the structures of language. In media texts, structuralists would claim to work out the deep structures being employed. Eg. In a film genre structuralists would work out deep structures that give meaning to the text. Neither the film maker or audience would necessarily be aware of these structures.
Narrative Structuralists have investigated narrative using versions of binary oppositions (proposed by Strauss). They suggest all story telling has deep structures. Good/Evil Culture/Nature Man/Woman A structuralist analysis of a media text will look at how tensions between these oppositions are introduced and resolved.
Structuralist Analysis For example… Titanic (1997) The narrative of Titanic works partly by differences such as upper deck/lower deck, upper class/lower class, American/European. We understand these oppositions through signifiers of music, dress, colour, type of character etc.
Narrative Structures Vladimir Propp Tzvetan Todorov The idea is that the surface structure of drama has a deeper underlying resonance which helps give the audience reinforcement of our culture’s rules and expectations.
Media Analysis Structuralism has informed the approach to media analysis through… 1) Narrative We have stock characters in soap operas (the gossip, the ‘bad’ boy, the loveable rogue etc ) 2) Genre Texts can be categorised according to characteristics they have in common.
Post Structuralism Post Structuralists… Do NOT accept the basic idea of deep structures. Wonder what the point is in searching for meaning. Point out we cannot be sure meaning exists in the first place. Put emphasis on the interpretation of texts rather than the production.
Deconstruction The analytical technique used by post structuralists is called deconstruction. The intention is NOT to discover what the real meaning of a text. Deconstruction involves… a consideration of what’s missing foregrounding
Deconstruction Eg. A deconstruction of a magazine advertisement would include a discussion on the types of people who are missing from the images. Absences and gaps help reveal what the text is privileging. Eg. West over East Man over Woman Science over Nature
Audience Post structuralists argue that… Without an audience, a text has no meaning. To suggest there is meaning in a text before it is seen by an audience is ridiculous. The text has the meaning that the audience chooses to give it. This places the audience in a very powerful position. They are no longer passive receivers of meaning that has been determined by a producer.
Recap Structuralism Post structuralism The search for deep structures that are universal to all cultures. Once we have discovered the underlying characteristics of a text, we can open it up to discover its meaning. Determines HOW texts produce meaning. Post structuralism Meaning in a text is uncertain and unreliable. Texts should be analysed through deconstruction – look at what is missing/been omitted. Without an audience a text has no meaning.
Activity Watch the episode from Sex and the City entitled ‘Where There’s Smoke’. Looking at the text from a structuralist view, answer the questions on your worksheet.