Narrative Laurie G. Kirszner & Stephen R. Mandell.


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Presentation transcript:

Narrative Laurie G. Kirszner & Stephen R. Mandell

What is Narration? Tells a story by presenting events in an orderly, logical sequence Histories Biographies AutobiographiesPersonal Letters DiariesJournals Facebook BiosFairy Tales News ReportsFolk Tales

Developing a Thesis Narrative about your problems with credit card debt –Purpose: First Year College students should not have access to personal credit cards Narrative about receiving a most improved award from a coach –Purpose: Identifying problems and working to improve can lead to success

Including Enough Detail Need rich, specific details Exact times, dates, locations Add more detail than you think is needed Add a little more sensory detail Add just a bit more detail Add a tiny smidge more

Varying Sentence Structure Use a variety of sentence structure (simple, compound, complex, compound- complex, periodic, cumulative) A variety of sentence structure provides interest for the reader besides the content of your essay. A good writer will hold interest and create meaning with syntax without letting the reader know it is happening.

Maintaining Order Chronological Order is not necessary Flashbacks are okay to use Framing is good Important to use correct verb tenses (past, present, future) and clear transitional words

Structuring a Narrative Essay Same form as a traditional essay –Intro, body, conclusion –Can have thesis in introduction Can start with narrative events, move to commentary, revisit narrative in conclusion

Revising a Narrative Essay Where is your thesis? Have you included enough specific detail? Does your description communicate the significance of the event in your life? Did you vary your sentence structure? Did you keep the order of events clear?

Proofreading a Narrative Essay Did you combine sentences without forming a run-on? Did your verb tenses clearly indicate time relationships between events? If you used dialogue, have you punctuated correctly and capitalized where necessary?

Any Questions?