Heather Nguyen - French 2, 3B
May 23, 1915July 28, May 23, 1915Oct 15, 1914Dec 25, 1914June 28, 1914 Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie are shot and assasinated at Sarajevo by members of the Black Hand. Austria blames Serbia for Ferdinand’s death, and declare war on them. Then Germany, Britain, Russia, France, Japan, & Turkey enter the war. Several battles occur, including.. (see next) Both sides hold a truce in honor of Christmas. WOOHOO. The First Battle of Ypres happens, and the British lose a huge amount of soldiers. Italy joins the war.
July-Nov 1916May 7, 1915Feb/Apr 1915May 31, 1916Feb-Nov 1916April 2, 1915 At the Second Battle of Ypres, poison gas made its debut in war when the Germans used it & killed many of the opposing soldiers. Zeppelin airships drop bombs on Yarmouth, and later London. At the Battle of Verdun, the German attack the French and attempt to demolish them. Neither side wins, but both suffer enourmous casualties. The German U-Boat fired a torpedoe at the Lusitania, a ship that left from New York. The ship sank, killing 128 US citizens & a total of 1198 passengers/crew. The sinking of this ship influenced the US’ opinion… Shortly after Romania joins the war in April 1916, the Battle of Jutland happens and it is a naval battle. The Battle of the Somme kills “420,000 British soldiers 200,000 French soldiers and 500,000 German soldiers all for a total land gain of just 25 miles.”
June 28, 1919April 6, 1917Oct 5,1918Nov 11, 1918Jan 12, Lloyd George makes the French General Nivelle the new Supreme War Commander because he didn’t like his old war minister. The Hindenburg line, a defensive line from the Germans, was captured by the Allies. The Paris Peace Conference is held. There, members from all around the world discuss things about life after the war. The United States of America declares war on Germany. The Germans had it coming though, because the US wanted to avenge the sinking of the Lusitania. The Armistice is signed, ending a lot of the fighting. A peace treaty (Treaty of Versailles ) is signed. This document officially ends the war.
Part Two: End of the War
There are many reasons that helped cause the end of World War 1. Firstly, the British Navy was cutting off Germany’s food supply & materials. Also, the US had sent in millions of new troops. Germany was simply overwhelmed.
An Armistice is a document that signifies the end of fighting amid two parties during a war. In this case, an Armistice was signed between the Allies & Germany. Once the Armistice was signed, fighting in WW1 ceased.
Following the Armistice, leaders of the Allies met in Paris to discuss peace and what to do after the war. The most major people involved were: David Lloyd George, Vittorio Orland, George Clemenceau & Woodrow Wilson.
The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties that truly ended the WW1. It was signed at the Paris Peace Conference, on June 28, The treaty pretty much blamed everything on Germany. Land, money, & troops were taken from them. Germany also had to take responsibility for starting the war.
The End