Government A government is an institution through which a state maintains social order, provides public services, and enforces decisions that are binding on all people living within the state.
A state is a political community that occupies a defined territory and has the power to make and enforce laws. Throughout human history, states have used different forms of government. Governments have four basic functions. First, governments maintain social order. Conflicts and people are closely associated with each other. Governments provide methods for maintaining social order through laws. Next, governments provide public services. Many laws that governments create help promote public health and safety.
Third, governments provide security to protect the state Third, governments provide security to protect the state. Governments protect their people from attacks by other nations. In addition, governments protect the interests of their people, by the use of force if necessary. Finally, governments make economic decisions that affect the people of a state. Governments create laws to establish a national currency, regulate the economic system of the nation, and manage scarce resources.
Theories of Government There are four fundamental theories that attempt to explain how governments came to rule people.
Evolutionary theory claims that the head of a family was the authority that acted as a government. For example, some families in the Bible (for example Abraham’s family) were ruled by the male head of the family. Force theory states that a government was created when people from a geographic area were compelled to serve a person or group. People usually lived within walled cities, and wars between rival groups were common.
Divine Right theory states that certain people are chosen to rule other people by a god or gods. Egyptian, Chinese, Aztec, and European rulers of the 17th century believed they were chosen by god to rule over their respective people. Social Contract theory evolved from the concept of Divine Right. Social contract theory claims that rulers get their power to rule through the consent of the governed. In other words, people give government the authority to rule.
Which theory of government describes the United States’ government?