Lesson 15 Acts, Chapter 7
Time Frame (Acts 7) Paul’s conversion (Acts 9) A reference back to Lesson 3 reveals that we have placed the conversion of Paul to approximately 34 AD The events of Chapter 6 take place not long before his conversion. Chapter 7’s events immediately follow the accusations of Acts 6:8-15
Stephen’s Address (vs. 1-53) 1 The Purpose of Stephen’s address First, a defense against the false accusations of blasphemy lodged against him. Less a defense of self, and more a defense of the gospel he preached Second, a means of convicting the Jews of their sins. Specifically, of rejecting the one sent by God Note: Any perceived discrepancies in Stephen’s history can be resolved.
Stephen’s Address (vs. 1-53) 2 A Breakdown of His Address (Reese) The case of Abraham and the Patriarchs (emphasis on God). 7:1-16 The case of Moses in Egypt (emphasis on Moses). 7:17-29 The case of Israel in the Wilderness (emphasis on the Law). 7:30-43 The case of the Tabernacle and the Temple (emphasis on the Temple). 7:44-50 The application. 7:51-53
Stephen’s Address (vs. 1-53) 3 The Call of Abraham (1-8) Stephen, in giving this long history, showed a reverence toward the history and institutions of the Jews. (Thus contradicting the false charges against him). Note: Stephen reveals details concerning Abraham’s calling (first from Mesopotamia) that are not found in the Genesis account. His words supplement our knowledge of O.T.
Stephen’s Address (vs. 1-53) 4 The Call of Abraham (1-8) Events of Genesis 11:27 – 12:4 summarized. Abraham lived a nomadic life in Canaan. Yet, God has promised that his descendents would possess the land. Abraham begot Isaac, and circumcised him on the eight day (a covenant with God). Isaac, Jacob, 12 patriarchs.
Stephen’s Address (vs. 1-53) 5 The Patriarchs in Egypt (9-16) God used the patriarchs’ jealousy of Joseph, and installed him with favor as governor of Egypt Brothers and then Jacob all came to Egypt, where Jacob died (Gen. 49:33). Note: Genesis 50:13 reveals that Jacob was buries in the field of Machpelah (Hebron). It is believed that the burials in Schechem refer to the Patriarchs. (vs. 16)
Stephen’s Address (vs. 1-53) 6 God Delivers Israel by Moses (17-36) Moses’ appearance was “the time of the promise” (made to Abraham by God) The people grew numerous in Egypt (Exodus 1:6-9) New Pharaoh antagonistic toward Israelites (killed male children) Moses escaped this fate, raised as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter
Stephen’s Address (vs. 1-53) 7 God Delivers Israel by Moses (17-36), cont. Moses was well educated and mighty (22) At age 40, all changed as Moses saved a slave by killing an Egyptian oppressor. He fled to Midian (23-29) At 80, God called him to deliver and rule over the Israelites (30-35) Moses did as God commanded (36) Note: Stephen answered claims of blasphemy by accurately and reverently recounting Moses’ history
Stephen’s Address (vs. 1-53) 8 Israel rebels against God (37-43) Note that Moses prophesied about the Christ (37) (cf. Deuteronomy 18:15-18) If these listeners were really concerned about Moses, they would have heeded his words “In their hearts they turned back to Egypt” (vs. 39) (cf. Exodus 32) God turned away from them (42) Sacrifice not enough (42-43) (cf. Amos 5)
Stephen’s Address (vs. 1-53) 9 God’s True Tabernacle (44-50) Stephen now answers the accusation that he had spoken against the Temple (6:13) Main point: It is not speaking evil of the temple to note that God would not choose that house as his abode forever Tabernacle first, until David (45) Temple next, by Solomon (47) However, God’s abode not in temples made with hands (48-50) cf. Isa. 66:1-2, Psa. 102:55 (Irony, Paul: Acts 17:24)
Stephen’s Address (vs. 1-53) 10 The Application (51-53) Sharp change in tone with the application. Evidently, his hearers were unwilling to heed his message “Uncircumcised in heart and ears” (not acting as God’s people. Unwilling to hear the truth from God. When messengers of God resisted, the Holy Spirit is resisted Fathers killed the prophets, they now killed Jesus, the Son of God As such, disobedient to the law of God
Stephen the Martyr (vs. 54-60) 1 The Council’s reaction Contrast with Acts 2:37. They were enraged They stopped their ears, and stoned him to death Saul was there Stephen’s Demeanor Filled with the Holy Spirit – Vision (55-56) Forgiving spirit at his death (59-60)