Israelites Built a kingdom in CANAAN. This place lies along the Mediterranean sea in Southwest Asia.
MONOTHESIM Belief in ONE GOD The Israelites were monotheists.
Judaism The Israelite faith. They became known as Jews. This religion influenced many other religions.
The Israelite language HEBREW is what they spoke. They wrote down much of their history in the HEBREW BIBLE. Through this book, their values and religion spread to Europe.
What did the Israelites do? They were herders and traders. They Came from Mesopotamia “the land between two rivers” and settled in CANAAN. Today, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan occupy the land that was once CANAAN.
Who were the Israelites a descendent from? ABRAHAM. Abraham told his followers to leave Mesopotamia and go to Canaan. If they worshiped God, he promised them the land of Canaan.
JACOB He was called ISRAEL, which means “one who struggles with GOD” Jacob raised 12 sons in Canaan. His family was divided into TRIBES or separate family groups.
The 12 tribes of Israel Israelites lived in Canaan for about 100 years. A long drought began and livestock died, crops withered up. To survive the drought the Israelites went to Egypt.
LIFE IS NOT GOOD IN EGYPT. The Egyptian Pharaoh needed men to build his pyramid, so he enslaved the ISRAELITES> To prevent a rebellion he ordered all baby boys born to ISRAELITES to be thrown in the Nile RIVER.
WHO WAS IN THE BASKET THAT THE PHARAOH”S DAUGHTER FOUND? MOSES was in the basket Moses tended sheep. Moses saw a burning bush and heard a voice. HE believed God was telling him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to FREEDOM.
The 10 Plagues sent by Moses A plague is sometimes a disease, but can mean something that causes problems. The 10th plague: killed all first-born children except for those who marked their doorway with the lamb’s blood.
Passover The pharaoh let the Israelites leave this 10th plague was issued. The Israelites celebrate the holiday PASSOVER to remember how GOD “passed Over” their homes.
The Pharaoh changes his mind The Israelites were headed east out of Egypt when the pharaoh changed his mind and sent an army after them. God parted the red sea to let his people pass. When the Egyptians followed, the water flowed back and drowned the soldiers. THIS IS KNOW AS Exodus
Mount Sinai The Torah is a covenant or agreement with GOD This is where MOSES received laws from GOD These laws were known as the TORAH The Torah is a covenant or agreement with GOD God agreed to return the israelites to Canaan if they agreed to follow these laws.
The most important part of the TORAH The Ten commandments. The Ten Commandments helped shape basic moral laws.
The Promised land Took 40 years to get to Canaan. Moses never lived to see the promise land. Moses died, Joshua took over. Canaanites were living there. The Israelites thought it was God‘s will to conquer these people.
Jericho Joshua had the Israelites march around the city walls of Jericho for 6 days. 7 Priests played trumpets. On the 7th day of marching Joshua told the Israelites to raise a BIG SHOUT. THE WALLS OF JERICO FELL and the Iraelites overran the city.
THE FIGHTING JUDGES Deborah was a woman judge that led Barak to attack the army of the canaanite king Jabin. Overtime Israelites won control of Central Canaan. They built walled towns for protection and created an alphabet and calendar.
The Phoenicians Lived in cities along the Mediterranean sea. Skilled sailors and traders. Important Idea. THE ALPHABET They brought this ideal to the Greeks. They passed it to the ROMANS Our alphabet is based on the ROMAN ALPHABET.