fellowSHIP Pt.3: 5 REASONS FOR fellowSHIP Hebrews 10:24-25 Introduction: (1.)Sheep can be sheep without a Pastor, but a Pastor can’t be a Pastor without sheep (Doug Taylor Rebirth Christian Fellowship Church). -Sheep need a Pastor for knowledge & understanding -Sheep need a Pastor for knowledge & understanding (Jeremiah 3:15). (Jeremiah 3:15). -The Pastor needs the sheep to help fulfill the vision God has -The Pastor needs the sheep to help fulfill the vision God has given him. given him. *Because pastors need sheep, sheep are not just *Because pastors need sheep, sheep are not just numbers to take up space in the sanctuary. numbers to take up space in the sanctuary. *Sheep are actual people who matter to God and *Sheep are actual people who matter to God and must matter to the Pastor. must matter to the Pastor.
fellowSHIP Pt.3: 5 REASONS FOR fellowSHIP Hebrews 10:24-25 Introduction: (2.)Acts 2:47 “And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” -God wants to expand his Kingdom and grow his church. -God wants to expand his Kingdom and grow his church. -It is in church growth where people stop feeling like they -It is in church growth where people stop feeling like they matter and feel like a number because the Pastor can no matter and feel like a number because the Pastor can no longer touch everyone “directly.” longer touch everyone “directly.” *Regardless of how big the church grows, I must *Regardless of how big the church grows, I must realize that I still matter. realize that I still matter.
fellowSHIP Pt.3: 5 REASONS FOR fellowSHIP Hebrews 10:24-25 Body: (A.)Fellowship (drawing close to each other because of our common interest in Christ) is the solution to the insecure member who feels as if they no longer matter because the Pastor can no longer touch them directly when the church grows larger. -People who fail to submit to fellowship and who fail to draw -People who fail to submit to fellowship and who fail to draw close to other believers will always feel like “just” a number close to other believers will always feel like “just” a number when the church starts to grow. when the church starts to grow. *When the church grows larger, we claim that *When the church grows larger, we claim that nobody cares about us. nobody cares about us. *It’s not that people don’t care, but people don’t *It’s not that people don’t care, but people don’t even know us when we fail to submit to fellowship. even know us when we fail to submit to fellowship.
fellowSHIP Pt.3: 5REASONS FOR fellowSHIP Hebrews 10:24-25 Body: (B.)The writer of Hebrews is unknown, but this book still makes it in the canon of Scripture/ the Bible. -Just because one doesn’t know me doesn’t mean that I -Just because one doesn’t know me doesn’t mean that I don’t matter. don’t matter. (C.)Reasons For Christian Fellowship/ (The Assembly): (1.)VS.24 Fellowship causes me to be “considered.” (1.)VS.24 Fellowship causes me to be “considered.” *I’m to give the same consideration that I want to others. *I’m to give the same consideration that I want to others. (2.)VS.24 Fellowship pushes me to “love.” (2.)VS.24 Fellowship pushes me to “love.” *I’m to love others as Christ has loved me. *I’m to love others as Christ has loved me. (3.)VS.24 Fellowship pushes me to do good works/deeds. (3.)VS.24 Fellowship pushes me to do good works/deeds. *My good works points others to Christ (Matthew 5:16). *My good works points others to Christ (Matthew 5:16).
fellowSHIP Pt.3: 5 REASONS FOR fellowSHIP Hebrews 10:24-25 Body: (C.)Reasons For Christian Fellowship/ (The Assembly): (4.)VS.25 Fellowship causes me to be encouraged. (4.)VS.25 Fellowship causes me to be encouraged. *I’m to give the same encouragement that I want to others. *I’m to give the same encouragement that I want to others. (5.)VS.25 Fellowship conditions me for the return of Christ. (5.)VS.25 Fellowship conditions me for the return of Christ. *Physical Conditioning painful but necessary for victory. *Physical Conditioning painful but necessary for victory. *Fellowship (Spiritual Conditioning) can have painful *Fellowship (Spiritual Conditioning) can have painful moments but it is necessary for victorious living! moments but it is necessary for victorious living!Close: (1.)I’ve given 5 REASONS for fellowSHIP. -I can not be limited to what I’m able to reason. -I can not be limited to what I’m able to reason. -God wants us to fellowSHIP even when it’s beyond reason! -God wants us to fellowSHIP even when it’s beyond reason!