Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO EMS 33rd National Energy & Environmental Conference Loews Ventana Canyon Resort Tucson, Arizona Presented by: David R. Church Senior Associate First Environment For the benefit of business and people
1Background 2GHG Basics 3ISO Model & GHG SUMMARY
BACKGROUND 1 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS PLAN DO ACT CHECK The Improvement Cycle...
BACKGROUND 1 Why do companies implement Environmental Management Systems? Business/market/regulatory drivers Stakeholder influences Desire to improve environmental performance Socially responsible activity Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS
BACKGROUND 1 Why do companies implement Greenhouse Gas programs? Business/market/regulatory drivers Stakeholder influences Desire to improve environmental performance Socially responsible activity Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS
BACKGROUND 1 Climate Change issues and Greenhouse Gas emissions… A global environmental issue We all contribute to the problem Regulated in many countries – soon in the US Fossil fuel emissions are the largest source Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS
> GHG Basics 2 2
GHG Basics 2 Current Climate Change/GHG Programs (U.S. examples only) California Climate Action Registry Database of member reported GHG emissions Requires 3 rd party verification Chicago Climate Exchange Carbon trading based on 3 rd party verified GHG emissions reductions EPA Climate Leaders Energy efficiency Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS
GHG Basics 2 GHG Program Basics Records/Data management Systems approach for: Identifying sources Determining emissions Collecting, converting, reporting data Data verification Establishing controls Reduction targets and programs Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS
GHG Basics 2 Kyoto Greenhouse Gases Carbon Dioxide - CO 2 Methane - CH 4 Nitrous Oxide – N 2 O Hydrofluorocarbons - HFCs Perfluorocarbons - PFCs Sulfur Hexafluoride - SF6 GHG Basics
2 Greenhouse Gases Primary Source Categories Generation of electricity Mobile sources Stationary sources Process emissions Fugitive emissions GHG Basics
2 Global Warming Potential (GWP) Conversion factors to CO 2 equivalent GWP (IPCC SAR) Carbon Dioxide - CO 2 1 Methane - CH 4 21 Nitrous Oxide – N 2 O 310 Hydrofluorocarbons – HFCs 8 gases up to 9,200 Perfluorocarbons – PFCs 6 gases up to 11,700 Sulfur Hexafluoride - SF6 23,900 GHG Basics
2 Managing Greenhouse Gas emissions Establish a baseline year Develop effective tools for identifying, monitoring, measuring and reporting GHG emissions EMS framework provides a good model for managing GHG through controls, records and performance improvements 3 rd party verification is critical for reporting and trading credits GHG Basics
> ISO Model & GHG 3 3
ISO Model & GHG 3 ISO Most commonly used EMS model in the world Over 120,000 registered companies Continuing annual growth 25-30% Demonstrated performance improvements Integrates well with other management system standards Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS
ISO Model & GHG 3 ISO Provides excellent framework for GHG program participation GHG emission sources should be considered as Significant Aspects because of their Significant Impact on the environment All relevant requirements should be implemented to effectively manage GHG emissions Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS
ISO Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS ISO Major Headings Policy (4.2) Planning (4.3) Implementation and Operation (4.4) Checking & Corrective Action (4.5) Management Review (4.6)
ISO Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS Each Heading is Relevant to GHG Policy Implications: How does the organization view itself in relation to Climate Change/GHG issues? Has the organization made commitments to reductions, program participation, etc.? Communication to employees Public availability
ISO Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS Planning: Identify GHG as an aspect and evaluate the impact for significance. Any associated legal requirements? Other requirements? (CCX, Climate Leaders, etc.) Set objectives for program participation - baseline, reductions, emission trading, etc. Specific targets set Programs established - who, what, when, how, $$?
ISO Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS Implementation & Operation: Who has responsibility and authority for GHG programs? What training is required for employees? What competencies are needed? Internal and external communications about GHG Program documentation Process controls for GHG emissions and activities Communication with vendors & contractors Procedures for emergencies
ISO Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS Checking and Corrective Action How are GHG emissions monitored or measured? Monitoring progress on reduction objectives/targets Calibration of monitoring/measurement equipment Corrective and preventive actions associated with GHG activity, controls, etc. Record keeping (important for trading program participation) Internal audit program - review GHG controls, monitoring, program participation, results, etc.
ISO Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS Management Review What progress has been made? Problems related to resources, technology, skills, etc.? Public reporting? Stakeholder issues? Is the GHG program suitable, adequate, effective?
Conclusions 4 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS The number of GHG programs is growing rapidly Regulation is a foregone conclusion ISO creates a great framework to manage GHG programs EMS approach contains all the necessary tools and controls