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The Atom Physics is Phun January 2008
The Elements by Tom Lehrer Animation by Flashimation Mike Stanfill, Private Hand 2330 Jonesboro, Dallas, TX
The Electromagnetic Spectrum c = f c = speed of light f = frequency = wavelength
Duality of Light Light as Waves Light as particles – “photons”
Photons and the Photoelectric Effect E = h = photon energy h = Planck/s constant = photon or light frequency
Boiling WaterElectrons in Metal Photons Water Electrons The Photoelectric Effect Figure compliments of Kynningarvefur Eðlisfræðiskorar:
Atomic Structure 1.Nucleus with protons and neutrons 2.Electrons surround nucleus 3.Energy levels and the Periodic Table of Elements 4.Electron transitions
Periodic Table of the Elements © 2000 ChemGlobe,
Atomic and Molecular Spectra 1. The Hydrogen Balmer series 2. Mercury vapor spectrum 3. Cadmium vapor spectrum 4. Sodium vapor spectrum 5. Molecular Iodine
Hydrogen Atomic Energy Levels
Sodium spectrum
Fraunhofer Spectrum
Atomic Phenomena 1.Fluorescence 2. Phosphorescence “delayed fluorescence”
Applications 1.Lasers 2. Neon signs 3. Fluorescent lights
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Helium-Neon Laser
HeNe Laser Energy Level Diagram
HeNe Laser and LED Spectra HeNe Laser RYB Light-Emitting Diodes
We are on the web at Animated Gifs compliments of bellsnwhistles.com The End See you in March!