The State of Ohio is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider of ADA Services HEAP and PIPP Plus: The Basics and Beyond Tracey Ballas Assistant Deputy Chief September 24, 2015
Misconceptions vs. Facts High energy prices cause high energy bills Improving the efficiency of a home and reducing energy use can reduce energy bills PIPP Plus only helps customers manage monthly payments If the installment is paid on-time and in full, outstanding balances are paid down
Our Goals Manage energy costs Reduce energy use Prevent utility disconnections Help Ohioans become self-sufficient
How to do we achieve the goals? Create Jobs Build Partnerships –Other state agencies –Local agencies Provide Information –Tips to reducing energy consumption Provide Resources –Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) HEAP Summer and Winter Crisis Programs –Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP Plus)
Home Energy Assistance Program Helps income eligible Ohioans Must be at or below 175% of Federal Poverty Level Paid directly to the energy provider
Crisis Programs Summer Crisis July 1 – August 31 Winter Crisis November 1 – March 31 HEAP Winter Crisis Program Summer Crisis Program HEAP Customers are eligible to apply for Crisis Programs
Crisis Programs At or below 175 percent of the federal poverty guidelines Have a member of the household who is at least 60 years old or Provide physician documentation of medical necessity Assistance paying electric bill Summer Crisis July 1 – August 31
Crisis Programs Summer Crisis
Crisis Programs At or below 175 percent of the federal poverty guidelines Threatened with disconnection Have been disconnected Have less than 10-day supply of bulk fuel Winter Crisis November 1 – March 31
Crisis Programs Winter Crisis
Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus Ohioans at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty guideline Pays a percentage of the bill each month Heating with gas = 6% of income to gas and electric Heating with electric = 10% of income $10 a month for zero income Customer of a PUCO regulated utility
PIPP Program Anniversary Date vs. Re-verification Date Anniversary Date Established when customer joins the program Remains the same each year Date when arrearage amount is calculated Date by which the customer MUST be current on installments to continue on the program Electric customers: date will be printed on the bill Re-verification Date Process of updating income information Required once a year May take place anytime during the year Required to continue in the PIPP Plus Program NEW
PIPP Program Updates On-Time Payments (Gas Customers) Before On-time = bill due date Had to pay by due date to receive credits Now On-time = payment received before next bill is issued Must be paid in full to be considered on-time
PIPP Program Updates Zero Income Payment Waiver (Electric Customers) Eliminating Zero Income Payment Waiver – In effect December 1, 2015 Customers can apply until November 30, 2015 Waivers expire May 31, 2016
PIPP Program Updates Re-enrollment within 12 months GasElectric Customer leaves PIPP Plus and wants to re- enroll within 12 months Must pay all PIPP Plus installments for the time not on PIPP Plus minus any payments made during the same time period Must pay all installments for the time not on the program minus any payments made during that same time period (up to the customer’s arrearages). If the customer has no arrearages they re-enroll for the first PIPP Plus installment
PIPP Program Updates Re-enrollment after 12 months GasElectric No Outstanding Arrearages Required to pay the first PIPP Plus installment Outstanding Arrearages Required to pay missed PIPP Plus installments for the number of months not on the program, minus payments made during that period, up to the customer’s arrearages at the time he/she left the program Required to pay missed PIPP Plus installments for the number of months not on the program, minus payments made during that period, up to the customer’s arrearages in addition to the first PIPP Plus installment
PIPP Program Updates Removal and Re-enrollment Reasons for Removal –Failure to re-verify –Not accepting EPP, HEAP, or HWAP Services –Not current with payments –Service disconnection –Theft of service or utility fraud –PIPP Plus non- compliance Eligible to participate when: Past due PIPP installments are paid Installments for the months not on PIPP are paid Current bills are paid Reconnection charges are paid
Five Things to Remember 1.Make sure the application is signed 2.Make sure you have income documentation and a utility bill 3.Include proof of citizenship 4.Remember to re-verify for PIPP Plus 5.Call if you have questions
The State of Ohio is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider of ADA Services Tracey Ballas Assistant Deputy Chief Office of Community Assistance (614) Tracey.