I-95 Managed Lanes CORSIM Analysis Status Meeting Presented by David Stroud, PE, AICP Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc.
Presentation Overview Purpose Purpose Traffic Traffic Weave Types Weave Types Operational Characteristics Operational Characteristics -HOT Lane Access at 81 st -HOT Access at GGI
95 Express CORSIM Scope PurposePurpose –To model operational characteristics of the I-95 Express project. Evaluate HOT ingress/egress locations based on weaving and access/proximity to interchanges.Evaluate HOT ingress/egress locations based on weaving and access/proximity to interchanges. Assessment based on freeway system operationsAssessment based on freeway system operations Project ScopeProject Scope –Stage 1: South of I-395 to North of GGI plus IOAR –Stage 2: North of GGI to North of I-595 –Stage 3: Corridor Assessment of HOT ingress/egress
Existing Demand – Build Scenario 2,200 HOT Lanes GP Lanes 78% 10,000 vph 7,800 22% * * SERPM 2010 Build 1,660 vph/ln 1,100 vph/ln 1,950 vph/ln
Speed – Flow – Density
Weaving –Type A Weave All weaving vehicles must make one lane change to complete their maneuver successfully
Weaving – Type B Weave One weaving movement can be made without making any lane changes while the other weaving movement requires at most one lane change
Weaving – Type C Weave One weaving movement may be made without making a lane change while the other weaving movement requires two or more lane changes
81 st Street HOT Access 10,0007,8007,3007,800 2,9002,500 Exit to HOT Lane Entry from I-195 Flyover Entrances From I-195/SR 112 NW 62nd St NW 69th St NW 81st St Total Ramp Vol. 2,350 vph 780 vph 260vph 870vph 4,260 vph Exit to PNR Exit to Flyover Exit to Turnpike 6,600 I-95 Northbound 2, NW 81st St NW 95th St 7,900 Operational Characteristics Operational Characteristics –Type C Weave 4 Service Interchanges 950 vph Weave Vol. 465 vph 198 vph 67 vph 220 vph 950 vph 100 1,500 2,200
81 st Street HOT Access 10,000 7,800 7,3007,800 2,9002,500 Exit to HOT Lane Entry from I-195 Flyover 7,9006,600 NW 95th St I-95 Northbound 2,500 7,3007, ,400 2,900 2, ,500 6,400 NW 81st St Operational Characteristics Operational Characteristics –Type A Weave 950 vph + 1,400 vph Exit to PNR Exit to Flyover Exit to Turnpike 100 1,500 2,200
81 st Street HOT Access 10,0007,8007,3007,800 2,9002,500 Exit to HOT Lane Entry from I-195 Flyover 6,600 Ramp Vol. 445 vph 660 vph 680 vph 390 vph 685 vph 150 vph 3,010 vph Exits to NW 95th St NW 103rd St NW 119th St NW 125th St NW 135th St NW151st St Total I-95 Northbound 2, NW 81st St NW 95th St 7,900 Operational Characteristics Operational Characteristics –Type C Weave 6 Service Interchanges 1,400 vph Weave Vol. 234 vph 234vph 234 vph 234 vph 419 vph 45 vph 1,400 vph Exit to PNR Exit to Flyover Exit to Turnpike 100 1,500 2,200
81 st Street HOT Access 10,0007,8007,3007,800 2,9002,500 Exit to HOT Lane Entry from I-195 Flyover Entrances From I-195/SR 112 NW 62nd St NW 69th St NW 81st St Total Ramp Vol. 2,350 vph 780 vph 260vph 870vph 4,260 vph 6,600 Ramp Vol. 445 vph 660 vph 680 vph 390 vph 685 vph 150 vph 3,010 vph Exits to NW 95th St NW 103rd St NW 119th St NW 125th St NW 135th St NW151st St Total I-95 Northbound 2, NW 81st St NW 95th St 7,900 Operational Characteristics Operational Characteristics –Type C Weave 4 Service Interchanges 950 vph –Type A Weave 950 vph + 1,400 vph –Type C Weave 6 Service Interchanges 1,400 vph Weave Vol. 465 vph 198 vph 67 vph 220 vph 950 vph Weave Vol. 234 vph 234 vph 234 vph 234 vph 419 vph 45 vph 1,400 vph Exit to PNR Exit to Flyover Exit to Turnpike 100 1,500 2,200
GGI HOT Access 10,000 7,800 7,3007,800 2,9002,500 Exit to HOT Lane Entry from I-195 Flyover 7,9006,600 NW 95th St I-95 Northbound NW 81st St 1,600 7,9008, ,600 2,500 2, , Operational Characteristics Operational Characteristics –Type C Weave 6 Service Interchanges 700 vph –Type A Weave 700 vph + 1,600 vph –Type C Weave to I-95 NB exits Exit to PNR Exit to Flyover Exit to Turnpike 100 1,500 2,200
GGI HOT Access 10,0007,800 7,3007,800 2,9002,500 Exit to HOT Lane Entry from I-195 Flyover 700 vph 7,9007,300 NW 95th St I-95 Northbound NW 81st St 900 7,9009,500 1,600 2,500 2, , Exit to PNR Exit to Turnpike ,200 Operational Characteristics Operational Characteristics –Type C Weave eliminated –Type A Weave changes to Type B –Type C Weave to I-95 NB exits
GGI HOT Access (81 st Closed) 10,000 7,800 7,300 2,900 Exit to HOT Lane Entry from I-195 Flyover 7,3006,400 NW 95th St I-95 Northbound NW 81st St 1,600 7,3008, ,900 2,900 2, ,700 1,000 Exit to PNR Exit to Flyover Exit to Turnpike 100 1,600 2,200 Operational Characteristics Operational Characteristics –Type C Weave 6 Service Interchanges 600 vph –Type A Weave 700 vph + 1,600 vph –Type C Weave to I-95 NB exits
GGI HOT Access (81 st Closed) 10,0007,800 7,300 2,900 Exit to HOT Lane Entry from I-195 Flyover 700 vph 7,3007,000 NW 95th St I-95 Northbound NW 81st St 1,000 7,3009,200 1,900 2,900 2, ,900 1,000 Exit to PNR Exit to Flyover Exit to Turnpike ,200 Operational Characteristics Operational Characteristics –Type C Weave eliminated –Type A Weave changes to Type B –Type C Weave to I-95 NB exits
Turnpike Access (81 st Closed) 10,0007,800 7,300 2,900 Exit to HOT Lane Entry from I-195 Flyover 700 vph 7,3007,000 NW 95th St I-95 Northbound NW 81st St 2, ,900 1,000 Exit to PNR Exit to Flyover Exit to Turnpike ,200 Operational Characteristics Operational Characteristics –Complex ! ?
Turnpike Access HOT HOV TPK Existing Lane Configuration Existing Lane Configuration Biscayne Canal
Turnpike Access HOT HOV TPK Alternate 1 Alternate 1 Biscayne Canal
Turnpike Access HOT HOV TPK Alternate 2 Preferred Alternate 2 Preferred Biscayne Canal